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The making of dandelion jam. Dandelion can also be used for porridge, salad and many more 😋 recipe will be on the blog soon #kitchentips
  • sugardetoxme I'm so freaking curious about this. So many people spray their lawns here to prevent dandelions from growing, which I always despised. Love seeing dandelions around!
  • Nelson paying attention to this
  • carpe_deli Haha so true @sugardetoxme , it is not the most popular green in the garden, because it spreads so quickly. But it's so pretty 😄
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Vote Mott Street Urban Farm SXSW Eco Panel at: See YouTube video for more background.
The panel is about the LA Community Gardening Council's project that I volunteer manage to build ...
The panel is about the LA Community Gardening Council's project that I volunteer manage to build an urban farm community in working class East Los Angeles, partnering with local high schools, rest...
Chef Encounter of the Jean-Georges Kind
9yr The Mark Hotel
Meet Tilly, our Tour de Forks truffle dog. She sniffed out Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten serving...
Meet Tilly, our Tour de Forks truffle dog. She sniffed out Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten serving up the most delicious chicken hotdogs complete with kimchi and pickles outside The Mark Hotel today...
Dandelion jam with apple juice and lemon. So fruity and perfect for a warm spring/summer day.
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: 

Make sur...
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: Make sure that you pick the dandelion blossoms in the midday time and in the sun during their season in spri...
T-minus Seven Days Until #FoodRevolution!
Food Revolution Day 2016 is just one week away! This week (in addition to joining Foodstand!) we ...
Food Revolution Day 2016 is just one week away! This week (in addition to joining Foodstand!) we launched the #foodrevolution International Omelette Challenge. It's the ultimate fast food, and de...
  • Brianne My favorite fast omelette filling: arugula and mushroom - because both items cook extremely quickly, are easy to chop, and add a ton of flavor - umami + spice! #FoodRevolution
  • mirasingh achaar like @chitraagrawal's Brooklyn Dehli Achaar. I make this for breakfast often because it takes me 5 minutes, tops!
  • munchiemummy Omelettes are my go-to, chuck-everything-in, lazy weeknight dinner. My favourite is just veggie-tactic: onions, peppers, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes 👌🏼
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Chinese "yóutiáo" or cruller, or doughnut, or breadstick. In Vietnamese, it's called "quẩy". Whatever it's called, it's delicious.
Chinese "yóutiáo" or cruller, or doughnut, or breadstick. In Vietnamese, it's called "quẩy". 
New Reasons Why You Should Keep a Food Journal - WSJ
"Keeping a food journal—writing down everything you eat before you eat it—is a powerful way to ch...
"Keeping a food journal—writing down everything you eat before you eat it—is a powerful way to change habits and identify food triggers of allergic and other reactions."
  • etsummer I do this to keep from snacking mindlessly and it really helps. Makes me measure things out and keeps me from going back for more and more. Because no one wants to have to write down "4 cookies" or...
The world eats cheap bacon at the expense of North Carolina’s rural poor — Quartz
"Neighbors battle pig farms and their stinky manure-filled lagoons in North Carolina." Wondering ...
"Neighbors battle pig farms and their stinky manure-filled lagoons in North Carolina." Wondering if the North Carolina folks can weigh in on what it's like to live near a hog farm. @MargaretG @oliv...
  • etsummer University of Iowa did a study of health impacts of living near CAFOs. Really bad for respiratory systems of the workers, and increased instance of same kinds of problems in the children of workers...
  • olivettefarm We don't have any of these near us, but it sounds awful. I'm not sure how I feel about them spraying the waste on their crops either.
  • munchiemummy Factory farming is so appalling. Like cigarette packets in the EU have to show photographs of diseased lungs and cadavers, factory farmed and processed meats in America should have to show...
Foodstand Food Revolution Celebration Day & #FoodBookFilm Club Photos up on Facebook!
We memorialized the #FoodBookFilmClub event tonight with Michael Moss and Wellness in the Schools...
We memorialized the #FoodBookFilmClub event tonight with Michael Moss and Wellness in the Schools. Thank you all to the community for coming. @JamieOliversFoodRevolution @RayYoung @MalloryStellato ...
Kip Andersen, Director of the film "Cowspiracy" at my university. Such an inspiration.
carpe_deli's post
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