terryhope 8yr So awesome!
carpe_deli 8yr Indeed @terryhope I am happy my university arranged this with him.
sugardetoxme 8yr He was at @NYU too. Excellent and brave film
carpe_deli 8yr Definitely @sugardetoxme
DietID_TeamDietitians 8yr Any surprising insights you can share with us @carpe_deli?
carpe_deli 8yr Hey @Rachna an interesting point that Kip addressed was about the supposedly bad ecological impact of soy production. As media reports state that soy production, being an alternative to meat for vegetarians, has a really bad ecological impact, Kip enlightened us that: 90% of soy production is actually solely used for the meat production(as feeding material for cattle). Thus, meat production still has the biggest impact. This was a good point I found.