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Is the fruit “must” in my balsamic vinegar considered an added sugar?
DietID_TeamDietitians Hey @elievois - nope! fruit must is basically crushed up fruit, so that is a-ok during the Avoid Added Sugar challenge.
elievois @Rachna thank you, you may have just saved my sugarless life!
DietID_TeamDietitians no problemo!! that's what we're here for =)
Post workout food
What’s a good non sugar item to eat after an intense workout? I would usually do a glass of chocolate milk after running but I am starving after playin an hour and a half of basketball!
What challenge should I start next?🤨
annefood Are there any areas of your diet you’ve been wanting to improve?
Is bread a NO on this challenge?! I just realized some fresh baked breads probably have sugar??? Help! Tips on which to avoid? Or avoid all?
DietID_TeamDietitians Great question!! Some breads are definitely allowed, but most actually have some added sugar. It's best to check the ingredient label to be sure. Some favorites we love: Ezekiel sprouted grain...
joywang Hi there! I wanted to give a heads up if you ever check the label and it still says for example, 1g sugar even though there's no added sugar in the ingredients, that can be due to the natural...
Added sugar??

It says 3 grams of sugar, but I don’t see sugar in the ingredients unless it’s disguised as something else?? Can I eat this trader joe muesli?
annefood Hey! The sugar is coming from the raisins, pear juice concentrate, and dried apples. Current nutrition labels show total sugar, which is a combination of any intrinsic sugars (from fruit, grains,...
ElanaG Thank you!!
How do the streaks work?? I don’t really understand. Mine is always zero :(
annefood A streak is when you don’t use any full or half passes, and thus successfully avoid added sugar. No passes used for 3 days and you have a 3 day streak, for example. It resets when you use one- I...
shmoozii I was wondering about that too.
Agave nectar
Is that allowed?
annefood Nope! Agave nectar is an added sugar (as are maple syrup, coconut nectar, honey, etc.).
ElanaG I didn’t think so, so I used half a pass since I ate a couple spoonfuls of Greek yogurt with it (siggi).
Hard to find stuff while away on business! -
annefood Good call. Yes it is indeed!
Salt craving
I’ve been craving salt lately. Is this related to not having added sugar? Is anyone else craving salt?? 🤷🏻♀️
“Lactic acid” vs “Lactose” on the list of 56 sugar names - also something to avoid?
annefood No, you don’t need to avoid lactic acid in the Avoid Added Sugar Challenge. It’s used in fermentation (yogurt, pickled veggies, sourdough...) and as a preservative or flavoring agent.
annefood And lactose is an intrinsic sugar (not an added sugar) that is naturally occurring in dairy. So no need to worry about that either.
ingalls Thanks! I kept looking it up. ;-)
Can I use whole milk and espresso without sweetener? Definitely better flavor but doesn’t the whole milk replace sugar w other calories??