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Can meat make it on the Climate Change Summit (COP22) radar?
One young woman asks the big question. (Just FYI According to the U.N., livestock production is responsible for 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. The emissions culprits range from co...
Do You Eat Like a Republican or a Democrat? | TIME

fascinating survey - but it's using Grubhub data and I don't ever order takeout, so I feel like the data is skewed. You're also asked to choose between foods - some of which I don't even like, e.g....
Picked up some radishes with beautiful greens at the local farm shop today. Any recipe ideas?
Wheelock Hall Farm Shop

DietID_TeamDietitians Toast with goat cheese, topped with radishes!
munchiemummy @rachna great idea!!! I might try grilling them and making a pesto from the greens, too!
Brianne I learned how to pickle radishes when I was a kid. It made the spicy ones easier to eat.
Looking for some cooks
Brooklyn, NY
At Theo, we're looking for some currently working cooks to interview for an upcoming educational project. Please message us if you're a cook or know someone who may be interested.
Miah Thanks, Rachna! Hi Theo- I'm a private chef in Brooklyn and I'm interested.
palaknyc Thanks @Rachna Hi Theo-- I'm a chef in NY and also interested.
Keep seeing these beautiful squash blossoms in the Italian markets!

What's the best way to prepare them?
sugardetoxme Flash fry and stuff em with ricotta and savory chives
gingerandchorizo Lucky you!! I will stuff them with ricotta and anchovies and lightly fry them with batter
garv Goat cheese & toasted cashews makes a great stuffing. Although fried blossoms is a safe bet , light searing or a light roast works well too.
So many tomatoes!

Tomatoes come in such a wide variety of colors, flavored and textures. It's one of my favorite parts about growing tomatoes. What are some of your favorite tomato varieties?
Sunflowers blossomed!

Does anyone know what it means if the bottom of my sunflower stems are brown? Flowers still look healthy.
DietID_TeamDietitians Have you checked the pH? Sunflowers take up a lot so it may be nutrient deficient. If your leaves are also starting to yellow or brown, it could be because of overwatering. Let me know if you try...
Spied on the streets of SF: the results of a law passed July 25 to warn about sugar-sweetened beverages

Well, here's the first updated ad I've seen (and tied to free bike rides, of all things!). San Francisco law mandates that after July 25th, ads for sugar-sweetened beverages must include that warni...
Gwendolyn Fantastic!
DietID_TeamDietitians Saw this for salt in NY, but we need the sugar warning in NY asap!
Blanching string beans tonight and wondering what the difference is between yellow and green string beans. Are yellow ones less ripe?

annefood @brooklyngrange @olivettefarm can you enlighten us?
olivettefarm Just different varieties! You can commonly find green, yellow and purple beans. There are also varieties out there that are pink, red and striped.
annefood Thanks @olivettefarm !
Friday inspiration: New food businesses finding a place to start!

Love this intersection of space + people + food: taking an old Army Terminal that's sat vacant for half a century and turning it into vibrant food hub, providing access for people to turn their foo...
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! So excited about this!