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Frederick Banting’s discovery of insulin in the 1920s saved a child's life. It’s still saving lives.
"The Canadian scientist led the charge that discovered insulin."
"The Canadian scientist led the charge that discovered insulin."
I'm looking for something to bake or cook with low calories. The less calories, the better. Does anyone know any? It doesn't have to be big.
  • annefood Hey @Uber - are you looking for a dinner option? Be sure to keep in mind that something low calories doesn't always equal a nutritious meal. A homemade salad is a definitely a healthier and lower...
  • Uber wow, thanks! (: @annefood your tips are always so good ^^
  • annefood You're welcome @Uber ! So glad they're helpful. Keep up the good work!
Getting innovative with leftovers! 💡
Spaghetti squash, roasted Brussels sprouts, beets, walnuts, & goat cheese
Spaghetti squash, roasted Brussels sprouts, beets, walnuts, & goat cheese
#HighFives to everyone for working so hard + Top Tips & FAQs !
Be sure to check out the blog today- I answer some of your most frequently asked questions and sh...
Be sure to check out the blog today- I answer some of your most frequently asked questions and share some top tips.
Green Burrito Bowl 💚
Zucchini, red pepper, red onion, garlic, pinto beans, quinoa, avocado, jalapeño, & green salsa
Zucchini, red pepper, red onion, garlic, pinto beans, quinoa, avocado, jalapeño, & green salsa
  • bananazen92 This looks and sounds absolutely delicious! I am now planning on trying it out this week. Thanks!!
  • amberhardy This looks amazing! Definitely on my food list!
  • mirasingh I always have salsa on hand for moments like this =)
This is our raw organic matcha power bite; called Lakshmi "beauty and desire"
9yr 21 East First Street
This is our raw organic matcha power bite; called Lakshmi "beauty and desire"
New to this! Day one!! Any advice for healthy drinks?
7yr Handy Mart
noah's post
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What are good substitutes for eggs and butter?
New Member
Carina's post
  • Carina Just joined, looking forward to a healthier lifestyle
  • Udi Welcome!
  • Carina Hi thanks, feel a bit nervous starting a new plan of action, this one seems like it will be great.
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Day One: got through the day without any sweets, had cravings after work but didn't eat any. ✋
Carina's post
  • annefood Congrats @Carina ! The cravings you experience at the beginning will start to fade, and the natural sugars in fruit will start to taste sweeter. Keep up the good work!
  • Carina Thank you Anne, this is a great App. Lots of encouragement, it will be helpful with my diabetes
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @Carina this is awesome!! You'll definitely feel cravings the first few days - it's totally normal. I find that a piece of fruit or a cinnamon tea has helped me fight the sugar cravings because the...
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