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How many litres count for 8 glasses? when I'm at school I drink bottled water
  • NicoleDanielle Well, one cup of water measured out is 8oz, so just look at your bottle of water and look at the oz.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey @Melissa898 - 1L = a little more than 4 cups. So if you get through 2 of your bottles, you'll be more than good to go!
Alternatives to carbohydrates? I went to the doctors and they said my triglycerides were high, but carbs are my literal fave. help me pls.
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Hey @chasketti! You don't need to give up carbs, just consider smaller portions of some of your favorites since eating too much of any food can increase body fat or triglyceride levels. Also...
  • chasketti Alright, thank you! I exercise about 2 times a week, but I might investigate family history. Thanks!
  • annefood @chasketti in addition to @darkchocolatepeanutbutter 's great advice about moderation, when you do eat carbs try switching to whole grains. Instead of white bread/toast try Ezekiel Bread...
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OK, so I really don't like the taste of water unless it's like freezing water. What do I do?
  • ManyaModi It's okay to love freezing water even i do. You should drink around 3 litres of water everyday. Or if you are not a good 'water drinker' start with 1.5 litres everyday and drink 1 litre freezing...
  • hornmattie Get a hydroflask to help keep your water freezing cold all day!
  • chasketti Either drink it freezing, or use some sugar free flavor like fruit and/or store-bought flavoring?
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Can I drink a sparkling water or is that also a soda
  • annefood Hey @bellaferg ! @dani is right—plain sparkling water / seltzer has no added sugar and is not a soda. However there are some flavored "sparkling waters" with sugar or artificial sweeteners that are...
  • akhilg2002 You def thinking the right way!!
  • bellaferg Thank you @annefood and @dani
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Do You guys have little mind tricks to help the brain get through those two hours of not eating?????? -Desperate😰😰
  • annefood Hey @juliasalviati ! I make a cup of herbal tea later in the evening so I have something to sip on. Some sort of distraction like reading a good book, watching a movie, or playing a game can take...
  • juliasalviati @annefood Thanks!!!🤗
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Hi @juliasalvati! A little meditation or yoga is a good way to unwind. I also like to light a candle and listen to classical music :)
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Does maple syrup added to Greek yogurt count as added sugar?
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How do I get to level II
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey there! Welcome!! You can join any challenge at level II, but we recommend starting with Level I, so you set an easy target. Once you complete Level I, you'll get an option to join level II....
Need help😂 what is a healthy snack?😝
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Does it still count if I had 7 glasses of water and a smoothie?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yep!!!! Smoothies have ice in them so that counts as a glass of water 👍👍👍
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Absolutely! Anything consisting of liquids counts although I suggest if you consume a caffeinated drink like coffee or green tea, to drink a glass of water afterwards. Caffeine can dehydrate the...
  • lenaaaap I have to disagree with darkchocolatepeanutbutter! Not anything consisting liquids count. You can't drink coke or something . It only counts water and unsweetened tee. But a smoothie is also ok...
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Do lettuce, tomatoes, and onions on a sandwich count as a serving of fruits and vegetables?
  • bubblegem Well it depends on the amount of each maybe you could have 2 sandwiches and mix up the veggies on each one!
  • nikkipayne21 I think it does. I mean you're putting those vegetables in your body.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @cristianpereira - if all 3 amount to about a cup, or a fist-full, then yes! It counts as 1 serving!
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