Lewiston, Idaho
Soda Substitute: What's a good substitute for soda? What drinks?
Lotta I drink water and sometimes put fruit and berries in it :) Sparkling water seems to be a popular alternative, but I personally hate the taste :D
DietID_TeamDietitians @RegannePreece - I totally agree with @Lotta. Putting frozen fruit in water or sparkling water is a great way to add flavor without added sugar. I also like hot cinnamon tea. The cinnamon has...
bananazen92 Usually, when looking for alternatives to soda, I turn to tea, fruit/vegetable water, apple cider, plain water, flavored water, or even hot chocolate. There are many different types of tea that...
OK, so I really don't like the taste of water unless it's like freezing water. What do I do?
ManyaModi It's okay to love freezing water even i do. You should drink around 3 litres of water everyday. Or if you are not a good 'water drinker' start with 1.5 litres everyday and drink 1 litre freezing...
hornmattie Get a hydroflask to help keep your water freezing cold all day!
chasketti Either drink it freezing, or use some sugar free flavor like fruit and/or store-bought flavoring?
So are Breakfast essentials good for breakfast?
annefood Hey @RegannePreece ! Awesome that you joined the Avoid Sweets Challenge! Unfortunately Breakfast Essentials drinks aren't great. Many "nutrition" drinks like Breakfast Essentials are actually full...
doublek23 I'm in love with Ancient Harvest Quinoa Flakes! They are full of protein, don't have gluten, and is similar to oatmeal. Add some butter and toasted coconut flakes to it and it makes a great...
annefood Great recommendation @doublek23 !