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Prepping edamame dumplings for New Years dinner!

Easy way to get your veggies into an appetizer
Sooo easy, healthy and tasty dinner tonight🍴 and leftovers for lunch tomorrow! 🎉

Day 7/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
Throwing it back to the ramp pesto I made last spring. Ramp tops and bottoms and pistachios & some EVOO. Gotta make more!! #FoodRevolution

KristenBeddard That sounds delicious!
IEatWell It's SO GREEN!
munchiemummy I really want to start experimenting with other types of pesto!
Does the thought of misshapen apples and two-legged carrots rotting in a field make you sad?
Actively seek out “ugly” produce at your local retailer or farmers market, and if they don’t carry it, talk to them and share your sentiments. Also, there are a number of brands utilizing this prod...
DietID_TeamDietitians Just had an amazing wtrmln drink made with @woodwardextractco birds eye chili extract. A perfect combo to make the best of typically imperfect produce
PizzaCat Someone in France is a multibillionaire because they sold ugly fruits and vegetables as soups and smoothies.
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! @PizzaCat intermarché
How to Cook with Garlic Scapes

"Love garlic? You need to be cooking with garlic scapes." #NoFoodWaste
munchiemummy I was just looking for some info on garlic scapes! Perfect. 👍🏼
ibikeforfood Just had these last week alongside oven roasted whole fish. Charred and yummy :)
Raw vegan gluten free pizza 😍

Day 4/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
Hormones that are released during hunger affect decision making

This is why they tell you to never make a decision when you are hungry. The hormone ghrelin - that is released before meals and known to increase appetite - has a negative effect on both decision m...
Foodstand's Top 5 Tips for a Mindful Thanksgiving

The holidays are all about good cheer, gratitude, family, friends, and delicious food. But the season can also conjure up feelings of guilt and dread—tempting food overcomes our better judgement, l... in NYC perfect place to get rare and interesting herbs for chefs and adventurous home cooks

I just took a hydroponic farm tour at at the Institute of culinary education. Wow! Got to taste some really interesting herbs and greens and they are now delivering to New York City chefs ...
DietID_TeamDietitians Interesting! Do they grow any of those crazy herbs that taste like wasabi or oysters?
How to Squeeze the Most Juice from a Lemon | Tasting Table

"If you want to get every last drop of juice out of that citrus, a microwave is your new best friend."
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! I do this with frozen limes and lemons and get SO much more juice out.
lauren Really good to know! Do you microwave it whole or cut it first?