Want to help prevent edible food from going to waste, and instead redirect it to someone in need?

Food recovery captures food from businesses and transports it to organizations that feed the hungry. Food recovery organizations are everywhere, and there are new ones popping up all the time. In N...
sugardetoxme Transferation is new to me!
etsummer This is awesome. I think we have a big advantage these days solving the food waste problem with technology too! It's so much easier now to connect businesses and organizations quickly and efficiently.
DietID_TeamDietitians This is so awesome!
Wish you could call a hotline whenever you had a question related to food waste?

You can! Jonathan Bloom – a thought leader, journalist, and consultant on food waste – recently began a column, “Dear Wasted Food Dude”, which runs in BioCycle’s bi-weekly “Food Recycling News” e-n...
Interested in learning more about how to recycle your inedible food scraps?

Sustainable America (www.sustainableamerica.org), BioCycle magazine (www.biocycle.net), and the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (www.ilsr.org) are three great resources for learning more about or...
Does the thought of misshapen apples and two-legged carrots rotting in a field make you sad?
Actively seek out “ugly” produce at your local retailer or farmers market, and if they don’t carry it, talk to them and share your sentiments. Also, there are a number of brands utilizing this prod...
DietID_TeamDietitians Just had an amazing wtrmln drink made with @woodwardextractco birds eye chili extract. A perfect combo to make the best of typically imperfect produce
PizzaCat Someone in France is a multibillionaire because they sold ugly fruits and vegetables as soups and smoothies.
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! @PizzaCat intermarché
Isn’t it a bummer to find food that perished in the back of your fridge, stuffed behind those fresh finds from the farmers market?

Make an “Eat First” box! It is easy. Take a shoebox without the lid, decorate it as you see fit, and place it in your fridge. Place all of the perishable items, or food that is close to expiration,...
etsummer Awesome idea! I think there's an app out there too where you can catalogue what's in your fridge and it alerts you when things are approaching the end of their lifespan. I'll have to check back and...
Not sure what to do with your leftover herbs?

A fun way to utilize all of your herbs is to chop them up, put them in an ice tray with olive oil, and stick them in the freezer (yes, olive oil will freeze!). Next time you are making pasta, add t...
BobDale This is brilliant @EvaLouise. I am going to try this.
We all have personal connections to food, and for many of us, the same goes for why we don’t waste it. Do you have a #NoFoodWaste story?

Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED, a nonprofit collaboration of over 30 business, government, nonprofit, and foundation leaders commit...
etsummer The Clean Plate Club was prominent in my family as well. It was awesome learning those things so early, and my mom also taught me how to plan out meals and shop accordingly. Definitely helped me...
DietID_TeamDietitians I think I was in the same club. My parents were also master reinventers - giving new life to leftovers. I picked up lots of creative tricks from this, and also got very good at planning portions...