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Satsumas, freezing the peels with lemon zest. Think I'm gonna use it for the cranberry sauce for thanksgiving ;)
Day 9/14: No Food Waste Level IV
annefood Awesome idea @AH01 !
SallyRogers Ooooh love this idea!
tanjaberko If they're 100% ecological that's a great idea! Otherwise, the peel of citrus fruit often contains loads of chemicals, and you wouldn't like that to thanksgiving, right? Take care!
A guide to getting the right temperature for your teas
"My wife just asked me if I had any good recipes from my Chinese Grandmother. I had to think about it for a minute and then came to the realization that my Grand"
Souring On Sweet? Voters In 4 Cities Pass Soda Tax Measures
"Three cities in California, as well as Boulder, Colo., adopted taxes on sugary drinks, a move aimed at combating obesity."
SallyRogers I was thrilled to be able to vote on this in San Francisco!
For a sore throat, cut up some ginger and then mix it with honey and lemon. Chew slowly and do this twice a day until you feel better!!
Unpassions Questions??
lauren You just chew it and spit it out? I've made tea with the same ingredients, never thought to chew 'em!
garv I've tried this @Unpassions , works well. The only difference, we make a coarse ginger paste.
✨Cheer Up World 2017🎀
I honestly can't wait for this cheer camp! ❤️
A Bit Challenging.
This one is a little more challenging, in my opinion. Who doesn't like to have a beer with dinner? So, here I am all excited that it'll be more of a challenge. #BringItOn
annefood I had gotten in the habit of drinking a glass of wine every night with dinner too. At first it was annoying not having one when my husband was, but honestly now I just try to think more about the...
NicoleDanielle Thanks @annefood alcohol makes me bloated. Wanting to avoid that.
annefood Totally agree. It's nice there's another motivation!
Appetite Suppressant Strategies | LIVESTRONG.COM
"Suppressing the appetite is never easy. The holiday dinners come too many times throughout the year. The excuse is that the person will quit after the holidays are over. Then the next holiday occu...
How Long Do Spices Really Last? | Tasting Table
"Do spices go bad? It's a question everyone's probably wondered at one point before pushing it out of mind, because who can replace a whole spice rack? You can."
Stress eating
This election has me stressed to the max. I think I may have eaten a little too much this afternoon but I know I'll do better tomorrow, no matter who the president is. :)
DietID_TeamDietitians Same!
emmie Thanks!