Top 5%
Bellevue, Washington
About me
I'm a vegetarian that absolutely loves cooking. I love races, gym sessions, sports, and practically anything athletic. Adventuring is a necessity
Satsumas, freezing the peels with lemon zest. Think I'm gonna use it for the cranberry sauce for thanksgiving ;)

Day 9/14: No Food Waste Level IV
annefood Awesome idea @AH01 !
SallyRogers Ooooh love this idea!
tanjaberko If they're 100% ecological that's a great idea! Otherwise, the peel of citrus fruit often contains loads of chemicals, and you wouldn't like that to thanksgiving, right? Take care!
Cauliflower crust pizza with spinach pesto and mushrooms!
Day 4/14: No Food Waste Level IV
emmie Sounds good!
Apple, using the core for apple cider/ apple cider vinegar!
Day 3/14: No Food Waste Level IV
DietID_TeamDietitians awesome!! I'm doing No Food Waste too, and I've just been composting the cores, but I'll try this.
AH01 Great!! @Rachna