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There's some debate on how to clean and store freshly laid eggs. Also, do they taste different? How long do they last? 🐔🐔

Udi I heard that eggs in the US get cleaned in such a way that the protective coating on the outside gets stripped off and that's why we have to refrigerate them. But, freshly laid ones, I think you...
MargaretG My brother, who is a farmer, keeps his eggs unrefrigerated and unwashed up to 2 week but that makes me nervous. I usually refrigerated them even unwashed as soon as I get them from the hen. More:...
JenniferEmilson I've kept mine out for a week with no problem. So far!
The making of dandelion jam. Dandelion can also be used for porridge, salad and many more 😋 recipe will be on the blog soon #kitchentips

sugardetoxme I'm so freaking curious about this. So many people spray their lawns here to prevent dandelions from growing, which I always despised. Love seeing dandelions around!
Nelson paying attention to this
carpe_deli Haha so true @sugardetoxme , it is not the most popular green in the garden, because it spreads so quickly. But it's so pretty 😄
Here's how to grow potatoes at home

I started growing potatoes in my closet garden after some potatoes from the farmers market that I didn't consume started growing eyes. Generally you can harvest them in 3 to 4 months. The potato le...
DietID_TeamDietitians Wow! Already?!
lauren So cute!
BethIsGreen Those are ADORABLE!
Papaya Beauty💛 there are many ways to use papaya and even the seeds can be used to make seasoning, which I will try out. #nofoodwaste

sugardetoxme Let us know how the papaya seed use goes. Always hate throwing seeds in compost. When you do it mark #kitchentips so we can find it!
garv Raw papaya is a super meat tenderiser & all natural at that !#kitchentips
carpe_deli Will do @sugardetoxme !
Spaghetti Squash!

DietID_TeamDietitians I love spaghetti squash! Using as a pasta replacement is so easy, and you can't taste the difference #kitchentips
lauren Did you roast it? I've only boiled spaghetti squash (mostly because of a non-working oven, but that's been fixed)
brittanymbarton my go-to pasta replacer! so easy to roast in the oven at 350 for about 45 mins @lauren
Curry noodles soup with pan-fried leek, asparagus and oyster mushrooms

Next time when you have left over curry, just add some stock (veg/chicken) and throw in some noodles, topped with any (pan-fried) veggies you have in the fridge to make a delicious lunch or light s...
IEatWell you do some fabulous noodle dishes!
Anke Another great recipe! I'm loving this Foodstand!
katewilson Beautiful @gingerandchorizo
#Kitchentip : exchange cooking ideas with friends& family to trigger ideas. My aunty showed me how to make Lions's tooth jam. Stay tuned!

The jam is made with fresh lion's tooth from my grandma's garden. The recipe and more pictures will follow soon on the app and on my blog, which is currently under construction. #foodrevolution #k...
DietID_TeamDietitians exciting!!
sugardetoxme Is "lion's tooth" the US equivalent to a dandelion??
BobDale They look like dandelions @sugardetoxme. Are they dandelions @carpe_deli?
Fiddleheads anyone?

lauren Yes! What's the best way to prepare? I've been intimidated
LesleyRozycki It was actually my first time making them (I was recipe creating and taking photos for a company's website). So after some research, I learned that you must boil them (I did it for about 8 mins)...
munchiemummy I wish I could get some where I live! I love pickled fiddleheads
Homemade Granola

I've fallen in love with making my own granola! You can add whatever -grains, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc.- you'd like and usually it's much cheaper than buying it prepackaged.
annefood Welcome! Homemade granola is such a great way cut costs and sugar intake. #kitchentips
lauren Nice! I always end up accidentally burning my granola... Any tips?
Beet greens chorizo omelette #nofoodwaste

Didn't know beet greens is so delicious!
sugardetoxme This is perfect @gingerandchorizo
serveMEnow So scrumptious! I add them to homemade veggie patties as well as in stir frys. This looks delish!
gingerandchorizo Sounds great @serveMEnow! Will try stir-fry next 😉