Udi 9yr I heard that eggs in the US get cleaned in such a way that the protective coating on the outside gets stripped off and that's why we have to refrigerate them. But, freshly laid ones, I think you can safely keep them outside. Not sure how long though.
MargaretG 9yr My brother, who is a farmer, keeps his eggs unrefrigerated and unwashed up to 2 week but that makes me nervous. I usually refrigerated them even unwashed as soon as I get them from the hen. More: http://www.mypetchicken.com/backyard-chickens/chicken-help/How-long-can-eggs-be-left-outside-once-theyve-H162.aspx
JenniferEmilson 9yr I've kept mine out for a week with no problem. So far!
FarmerDave 9yr I usually stick to 2 weeks for UNwashed eggs out on the counter. But when I get close to 11 days, I do the float test just to be sure. http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-test-eggs-for-freshness-how-to-find-out-tips-from-the-kitchn-46368
mirasingh 9yr I've heard 2 weeks. @MargaretG I have done the same. When in doubt, refrigerate.
gustin 9yr We keep our fresh eggs out for up to two weeks, they've never been around longer mainly because we eat them in that time. I've always heard once you refrigerate once, and I'd imagine if it is really cool outside, they need to stay cool in a refrigerator.
Riki 9yr Growing up in Israel we did not store eggs in the fridge and we never got sick from eating bad eggs. Nowadays, eggs are being stored in the fridge in Israel too. It makes one wonder ...
mrscorco 9yr @FarmerDave thanks for the tip! @MargaretG @mirasingh 2 weeks sounds good. Hopefully they'll be gone before that! @Udi I read about that somewhere. Possibly on food stand! :)
annefood 9yr #kitchentips