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New Reasons Why You Should Keep a Food Journal - WSJ
"Keeping a food journal—writing down everything you eat before you eat it—is a powerful way to change habits and identify food triggers of allergic and other reactions."
etsummer I do this to keep from snacking mindlessly and it really helps. Makes me measure things out and keeps me from going back for more and more. Because no one wants to have to write down "4 cookies" or...
An All-Volunteer Squad Of Farmers Is Turning Florida Lawns Into Food : The Salt : NPR
"Perfectly manicured lawns are a bit of an obsession in Florida. But one Florida man is working on a project that's turning his neighbors' lawns into working farms."
DietID_TeamDietitians Farm not lawn!! We need more of this. But there are bigger plots of land in communities where this model works really well - like churches and temples. I'd love to see a 'farm and pray' initiative
Why sugar is not your enemy - The Times of India
"Sugar is not the problem, giving up on food traditions without a thought is""
DietID_TeamDietitians Everyone needs to read this. Thank you for sharing. I've encountered multiple big food executives who have told me they are helping hungry children in India with their products because how else are...
garv @Rachna sad but true. I guess taking a step backwards will actually help us move forward. Unfortunately , processed foods have become the new cool for the emerging class. They rather eat a bag of...
How to speed up your metabolism | Well+Good
"You could be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it."
Eat Your Fruit and Veggies and Be Happy
"Parents all over the world are constantly telling their kids to eat their veggies “because it’s good for you”. Studies have long shown that the risk of cancer and heart attacks can be greatly redu...
SallyRogers Yay! I really hope this is just the beginning of more studies aimed at uncovering links between eating & mental health and well-being!
darkchocolatepeanutbutter @SallyRogers I completely agree!
I drank Apple Cider Vinegar with water. I went to the toilet about few times today.
alizehmehdi Hey! How much apple cider vinegar did you mix with the water? Was it half and half?
sgramm I always have 1 glass of water in the morning with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the morning - it adds a tiny bit of flavour and I love it. I've never experienced problems of that nature...
fitorious @alizehmehdi I mix only 2 tablespoons and water, that's all. I did put a tablespoon of honey and a bit lemon. It was good.
Fruit Platter for Breakfast with all fresh fruit from the garden except for the watermelon and holiday planning by the side ☀️
JenniferEmilson Love the currants!
carpe_deli Thanks @JenniferEmilson ☺️
Phony food getting mainstream media attention!
Love that some of these issues (olive oil, fish procurement, labeling, etc.) are starting to get mainstream media attention. There is even a Hacker News thread about this article now! https://news....
ladyofgrand And this is why we need to do our work to change the good system. Great article!
ladyofgrand *food system