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Swirled Paleo Cookie Bars. Search for them on β€οΈπŸ˜‹πŸͺ
Swirled Paleo Cookie Bars. Search for them on β€οΈπŸ˜‹πŸͺ
finally made it up to phoenicia diner. both food & views on point
9yr Phoenicia Diner
finally made it up to phoenicia diner. both food & views on point
The world eats cheap bacon at the expense of North Carolina’s rural poor β€” Quartz
"Neighbors battle pig farms and their stinky manure-filled lagoons in North Carolina." Wondering ...
"Neighbors battle pig farms and their stinky manure-filled lagoons in North Carolina." Wondering if the North Carolina folks can weigh in on what it's like to live near a hog farm. @MargaretG @oliv...
  • etsummer University of Iowa did a study of health impacts of living near CAFOs. Really bad for respiratory systems of the workers, and increased instance of same kinds of problems in the children of workers...
  • olivettefarm We don't have any of these near us, but it sounds awful. I'm not sure how I feel about them spraying the waste on their crops either.
  • munchiemummy Factory farming is so appalling. Like cigarette packets in the EU have to show photographs of diseased lungs and cadavers, factory farmed and processed meats in America should have to show...
Foodstand Food Revolution Celebration Day & #FoodBookFilm Club Photos up on Facebook!
We memorialized the #FoodBookFilmClub event tonight with Michael Moss and Wellness in the Schools...
We memorialized the #FoodBookFilmClub event tonight with Michael Moss and Wellness in the Schools. Thank you all to the community for coming. @JamieOliversFoodRevolution @RayYoung @MalloryStellato ...
Kip Andersen, Director of the film "Cowspiracy" at my university. Such an inspiration.
carpe_deli's post
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the mullies: Cooking with Tommy - A Simple Hummus + Cilantro Pesto
  • lauren Wow that sounds incredible! I love making both hummus and pesto, never considered making them together!! Will try next time 😊
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Such a smart spread idea
  • lindseyshifley Thanks @lauren + @Rachna ! It is the BEST! You will love it and you must let me know if you make it (don't forget to share a pic with me!!!) Yea!!
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Come on. This chard is too gorgeous. Tamarack Hollow Farm on this very rainy super busy day before thanksgiving market.
9yr Union Square Greenmarket
Come on. This chard is too gorgeous. Tamarack Hollow Farm on this very rainy super busy day befor...
Use less than stellar berries & fruit to make a shrub! This sweetened vinegar will make great drinks! Cherries, allspice & peppercorns.
  • NehaNBB I had to google what shrub was, and I'm so glad I did. Is shrub like switchel? Is switchel a type of shrub? But I love this berry combination with black peppercorns.
  • JenniferEmilson I had to look up switchel! @NehaNBB Not exactly. This is purely a flavoured and sweetened vinegar. It can be made with so many different fruits and spices. Then it is boiled with sugar. At this...
Breakfast idea: make a papaya bowl and fill it with different things that you still have left in the fridge #nofoodwaste
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Lentil & brown rice risotto w/ cumin roasted cauliflower & cauliflower bark shavings... Simple, healthy & wholesome!
Lentil & brown rice risotto w/ cumin roasted cauliflower & cauliflower bark shavings... Simple, h...