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Who is doing Food Swaps?
This upcoming event ( got me thinking more about food swaps -
Who has done them?
Have people f...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians We did a food swap with Foodstanders last year and it was pretty cool! I walked away with chili granola, some lemon curd, and cookies!
Hi fellow Foodstanders! I just finished my masters program and am job hunting! Have any leads?
Figured there would be no better community to turn to than Foodstand, as I'm looking to work in g...
Figured there would be no better community to turn to than Foodstand, as I'm looking to work in good food. My degree is in International Environmental Policy with a focus on business sustainability...
Nominate your favorite carrot farmer! Who grows your favorites?
Do you know who grows your radishes? Nominate your favorite radish farmer!
Who is your favorite berry farmer? Get to Know Your Farmer!
  • annefood When I lived in California, Tomatero Organic Farm was by far my favorite! @etsummer have you discovered them?
  • etsummer @annefood I haven't! Where are they located? My fav berry farm is Swanton, the first organic strawberry farm in CA!
  • annefood Oh yeah they're great too! Tomatero is in Watsonville but they sell at the San Rafael farmers market. And others too but I'm not sure which ones.
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Do you Know Your Farmer? Who is your favorite corn farmer?
WITS is looking for a Communications and Development Summer Intern. Know a qualified candidate? See the posting and reach out!
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Does anyone still make sassafras tea?
I've always loved the lemony smell of sassafras, which is fairly easy to spot in the woods with i...
I've always loved the lemony smell of sassafras, which is fairly easy to spot in the woods with its mitteny-shaped leaves. The roots can be dried to make a tea early in spring before leaves emerge,...
We all have personal connections to food, and for many of us, the same goes for why we donโ€™t waste it. Do you have a #NoFoodWaste story?
Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED,...
Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED, a nonprofit collaboration of over 30 business, government, nonprofit, and foundation leaders commit...
  • etsummer The Clean Plate Club was prominent in my family as well. It was awesome learning those things so early, and my mom also taught me how to plan out meals and shop accordingly. Definitely helped me...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I think I was in the same club. My parents were also master reinventers - giving new life to leftovers. I picked up lots of creative tricks from this, and also got very good at planning portions...
Taste Testing the Best Kombucha
Kombucha fans out there? I think I have a realistic view of the stuff, and love its taste and pro...
Kombucha fans out there? I think I have a realistic view of the stuff, and love its taste and probiotics. Don't think it's a magic cure, but I do drink a lot of it!
  • etsummer I drink it for the energy kick without the crash! Thanks for posting this, I'm excited to see so many new brands popping up
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yea don't think it's magic, but definitely tastes yummy! Better than drinking Snapple for sure
  • terryhope Magic if trace alcohol indeed, but I just love it when it's less sweet, more tangy, and super bubbly