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Men: Eating Less Meat Doesn’t Make You Less Manly | Civil Eats
"Food choices, such as meat-eating, are wrapped up in gender identity, which is shaped by cultural messages. Just look at the $19 billion industry that has sprung up recently to market beauty produ...
darkchocolatepeanutbutter I read a study awhile ago that showed that women find men more masculine when they order meat at a restaurant and men find women more feminine when they order a salad :(
LezEngel I've heard from many male friends that preparing a meat-centric meal is just easier for them. It's less to think about. On top of the cultural messages, it seems a lot of people just don't know how...
DietID_TeamDietitians Yep, i started grilling veggies with @Akhilg2002 just like we would normally grill meat, as a starting point
Hospital Bosses Eat Hospital Food For A Week, Then Revamp Its Entire Food System | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
"Every business executive should be forced to experience their business from a consumer perspective."
munchiemummy I often wonder this for a variety of corporations. Should the CEO's of big food be forced to feed themselves and their families the crappy food they produce and sell, too?
garv @munchymummy that will be the day!
JenniferEmilson Well isn't this refreshing.
The Ultimate Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep
"The Ultimate Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep is a guide to getting better sleep now including essential oils, meditation, food, and stress management."
A great visual of what 100 calories of various foods looks like
From the Food Network
Wild Mango Could Tackle Global Chocolate Crisis: Researchers -
"Scientists in Wales may have found a solution to the global chocolate crisis caused by a cocoa shortage by using by wild mango as a new cocoa butter alternative."
NehaNBB Wow this is really fascinating. I hope people continue to find natural alternatives like this instead of engineering some processed thing.
Here’s Why You Should Pay Your Children to Eat Their Vegetables - WSJ
What do y'all think about this? "A study shows that offering a small, short-term cash incentive to children to eat more-healthful foods can lead to long-term healthier eating habits."
darkchocolatepeanutbutter Hmm. I'm not a fan of material incentives. I don't have access to the whole article so I'm unsure what the exact outcomes are but I think if we allowed children to eat according to their natural...
annefood It says there was a spike in consumption with the monetary incentive that continued after the compensation incentive stopped. Anywhere from 1/5 to almost 1/2 of kids continued eating fruits and...
darkchocolatepeanutbutter @annefood That's amazing!
Scandi food: why Swedes do midsummer - and coffee breaks - best #mindfuleating
A really great article that highlights the purity of the Scandinavian diet and the culture of Fika - "using coffee to stop" instead of as a stimulant. Wonderful article. Just thought I'd share.
garv A nice read! Was just discussing with someone that we stress so much on the provenance of our food & then we eat a rushed meal !
mirasingh I'm going to try to make this happen in my office. Europeans in general are so good at taking a step back and appreciating the food they have. We just breeze right through it =/
munchiemummy @mirasingh I've noticed it so much since moving to the UK. When you're out and about and literally will stop in a cafe (or chain coffee place) and have a cup of coffee (out of a real mug) and sit...
Unmanned Grocery Stores Help Improve Access To Healthy Food
'How unmanned grocery stores can help increase access to healthy food.' What do you guys think of this? I think these would be most effective if they went hand-in-hand with healthy eating education...
garv I think it's certainly worth an experiment!
munchiemummy I think, based on the verbiage of the article, that this may have been written in/about the UK, in which case, I think a massive problem is the rising rent for high street shops. There should be...
garv @munchiemummy though a large part ,it's not just rents that kill. The advantage larger chains have is massive & actually controls the way we buy. Neighbourhood stores need lesser logistic support &...
Heirloom beans are open pollinated seeds that if planted yield the exact same bean. In any case, always delicious when slowly cooked.
DietID_TeamDietitians Greenmarket find?
Reclaimthetable Unusually, Not this time Rachna. Dried Rancho Gordo Ayocote white
DietID_TeamDietitians O wow these look awesome. Christmas Lima beans!
Time to get into the kitchen!
Joining the Revolution means starting with the simple step of getting into the kitchen and cooking! Here in the U.S we are developing a college level course that does just that --- teaching student...
DietID_TeamDietitians Ah totally agree @MaureenS! Hey college friends - do you guys have cooking classes right now? Would you take one if it were available? @darkchocolatepeanutbutter @lauren @RozalieCzesana @carpe_deli
NehaNBB Which college?
JamieOliversFoodRevolution @NehaNBB the program we're piloting, and hope to replicate throughout the U.S, is at Stanford University