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Dubai, Dubai
To avoid fast food prepare some healthy snacks beforehand and bring them with you. 😁🍎
annefood Absolutely!
DietID_TeamDietitians yes!! I always leave almonds in my purse for this reason.
I made it 24 days on the The Stop Eating Before Bed Challenge!

annefood Fab @purplebatman ! How has it been going? Have you noticed a difference in your sleep or digestion?
While doing the 'Eat Less Meat' challenge I made tacos made with refried beans instead of hamburger or chicken. They were delicious!

Beans are a great source of protein. Just replace meat with beans! Beans are healthy and taste good.
annefood Awesome idea @purplebatman ! I love beans in tacos! So good.
NellieGillespie Do u have the recipe? I would love to give it a go!!
To avoid unhealthy, sweet desserts start eating sweet tasting fruits like apples or bananas and consider that as a dessert.

annefood Great tip as always, @purplebatman !
DietID_TeamDietitians @purplebatman - you're full of wisdom =)
Brianne I also love keeping frozen mango chunks on hand. If you leave them out on the countertop for a few minutes in a bowl, they thaw nicely, and then you have mango, without any cutting. It's a little...
For the Eat Less Meat challenge remember it is still important that you get protein. Nuts, milk, yogurt, eggs and beans are high in protein.

darkchocolatepeanutbutter Yes absolutely @purplebatman! Also I love your handle :)
annefood Awesome tip @purplebatman !
Kingofkatz Just curious, how is meat bad anyway?
A good way to stop drinking soda is to find a healthier alternative like carbonated water. For extra flavor add some lemon or lime slices.

annefood Awesome @purplebatman ! So true.
Brianne I second this tip!
A great low calorie breakfast food is a smoothie. All you do is put a banana, strawberries, ice and milk in a blender. Yogurt is optional.

JoanneG I love smoothies. I just got a new blender so I've been experimenting with a lot of ingredients. My new favorite is almond butter, dates, banana, and chia seeds - it's like dessert!
LaurenDiebolt Smoothies have a lot of sugar in them, even if it's natural sugar. Your body also digests it much faster than if you just ate the ingredients you would put into a smoothie, so you are full for a...
tenniscourt18 That's exactly what I put in my smoothies! They're a perfect way to eat your fruits. They're quick and easy if you're on the go too!
Drink out of a straw when drinking water, as you do not have to think about it and it is easy to distract yourself while drinking.
Mauneumann This may be true, but the straw produces much more waste because of the plastic. We should also think about eating sustainably!!!
Brianne Yes! I actually have reusable straws at home for this reason, but I agree, the straw makes it easier =)
NehaNBB I have one of those camelback water bottles that have a straw. It's awesome.