Mauneumann 8yr This may be true, but the straw produces much more waste because of the plastic. We should also think about eating sustainably!!!
Brianne 8yr Yes! I actually have reusable straws at home for this reason, but I agree, the straw makes it easier =)
NehaNBB 8yr I have one of those camelback water bottles that have a straw. It's awesome.
moschinokate 8yr I do this all the time and drink so much more!
Gracie 8yr Paper straws are a great alternative if you are not a fan of plastic straws. Paper straws also come in bright fun patterns and are common at animal sanctuaries such as Disney's Animal Kingdom!
cristianpereira 8yr It's easy to get ahold of reusable straws, which are good for producing less waste; and I definitely agree, it's easier to drink more water when using straws!
dinitra 8yr At starbucks you can buy these big plastic glasses that are reusable and really good quality and the straw is reusable as well and today I was drinking from it and I drank all of the water in it in 5 minutes and I didn't even realize
moschinokate 8yr @dinitra I do that too!! I have this giant one that looks like a pineapple and I sip all day and drink so much without even realizing
Nainiac 8yr I drink SO much more water throughout the day if I use a straw!! I keep a nice reusable one at my desk so I remember