You'll have to fill me in since I won't be there on Friday!
This issue is complicated and culture bending. If tipped employees' salaries are raised, restaurant owners do need to raise prices or perhaps fold; the economic model has changed. Previous pricing assumed a work force whose income was supported by tips; if that goes away, a European service-included system is needed . Perhaps least attractive to servers in high end restaurants whose tips exceed a minimum wage hike? Apologies for being a bs nerd but I ache for the restaurant owners on this topic!
thanks for your thoughts @PatriciaDuffy! I've heard this quite a bit from smaller restaurants who are barely making margins. It's definitely a conundrum to say the least.
Danny Meyers' "hospitality included" policy which allows for higher prices would help. Though then you wouldn't have tipped workers to begin with!
Very interesting. "While dietary experts will weigh in on the nutritional aspects, buried in the pages is a recommendation with potentially huge implications for climate change." #foodnews#policynews
Hopefully because these recommendations are rooted in health concerns they will have a greater impact? Maybe China will see climate impacts from this and it will set a good example of what's...