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African farmers seek creative solutions to cut back on food waste – FSRN
"Elizabeth Nsimadala is a 36-year-old mother of two from a small village in Southern Uganda. She’s a founding member of a group of female farmers who have been making big returns by turning bananas...
DietID_TeamDietitians Bananas into wine?!?! This is so fascinating !
Harvesting Kohlrabi

We love to shred it and make a slaw with our Napa cabbage. We also cook the leaves low and slow similar to collards. #nofoodwaste #FoodRevolution
etsummer Beeeeautiful :)
olivettefarm @etsummer thanks!
JenniferEmilson One of my faves!! Eat it like an apple!
Which States Waste The Most Food?
The West Coast seems to be doing better with this food waste issue than the rest of the country. #NoFoodWaste
Guide to Food, Life After Expiration

40% of food waste comes from our homes. Here is a guide as to how long after the expiration date you can use it. When in doubt, use your nose. How do you rescue food at your home?
DietID_TeamDietitians this is awesome!! great #nofoodwaste tips! my big tip for food waste is to use the food that goes bad quickly before food that lasted longer- like greens before potatoes
Athina @Rachna I am a fan of vegetable hierarchy.
Athina Another #nofoodwaste tip is to chop up wilting vegetables and freeze them to use later in broths. For fruits, I juice them and put them in ice cube trays to use in cocktails.
Imperfect > Perfect.

"Why are some fruits and veggies born ugly? Fighting off fungus, heat and pests can leave blemishes. Some researchers think these battle scars may actually boost the antioxidant content in produce."
Riki Don't judge a book / Apple by its cover
DietID_TeamDietitians #NoFoodWaste! @jodavis - save the date - June 11th and 12th we're working on a little pop up gallery for this very thing!
jodavis @Rachna date saved :)
Kale stems are just as delicious as the leaves! Sauté or steam them. #nofoodwaste

"“Greening up breakfast with kale stems. The stems are full of deliciousness just like the leaves and have a nice crunch after sautéing in coconut oil.…”"
pr1ncerah i like to make pesto out of stems/greens of all types - collards, kale, carrottops, etc etc...perfect sauce for anything and stays good for infinity (almost)
sugardetoxme Perfect
Pulp Pantry Makes Snacks With Recycled Fruit and Vegetable Pulp | L.A. Weekly

Pulp tarts!!! I love it. "Kaitlin Mogentale’s Pop-Tarts-inspired invention has little in common with the buttery, jam-stuffed toaster pastries. Her recipe consists of gluten-free dough made with ca...
sugardetoxme Great idea
FoodBytes SF! - starts the pitches today and sets the tone for tech solutions of food waste
"" #NoFoodWaste
Starbucks will start donating 100% of its unused food to those in need

"If you’ve ever wondered where all those bistro boxes go after closing time, here's an answer you can get behind."
sugardetoxme Yes!!!! Let the games begin!!!!
sugardetoxme #nofoodwaste @rachna
DietID_TeamDietitians Now if only Starbucks separated their trash correctly :)
U.K. grocer embraces 'wonky' veg to trim waste | MNN - Mother Nature Network

"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
mirasingh Are there any US grocers who are doing this?
sugardetoxme Not that I know of. We're so late to the game. I'm wondering if an organization, particularly a non-profit, can help lead that challenge. Maybe @NRDC? Would be easier than for ordinary citizens to...
katewilson I for one would be interested in joining that petition!