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Breakfast in a jar: this time- chia with strawberries, rolled oats, and goat milk yogurt
Day 4/7: Eat Real Food Level II
My new blog! Just Enough, Well Fed - A little piece about your liver :)
"Forget the wellness tonics and and juice cleanses, let me introduce your body's best friend."
Can I make several challenges at a time?
World Health Day Challenge: 5K Breakfasts for $5K – Foodstand Blog
Happy World Health Day, Foodstanders! Our No Sugary Breakfast Challenge starts today! Did you avo...
Friday Inspiration: MIT Researchers Tapping the Hidden Value of Farm Waste
Love that this research and prototyping is making progress: enabling farmers to make better use o...
For the Eat Less Meat challenge remember it is still important that you get protein. Nuts, milk, yogurt, eggs and beans are high in protein.
Feeling great :-)
Day 6/7: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level II
This is how to seed and juice a pomegranate
Pomegranate seeds are a delicious and nutritious snack, and when added to a class of sparkling wa...
02.01.17 - Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal made with skim milk and cinnamon and a cup of herbal tea 💪 💪
My favorite on a cold day: savory oatmeal
Day 20/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V