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A list of affordable superfoods | Well+Good
"You don't have to break the bank to add nutrient-dense, whole foods to your diet, celeb nutritio...
"You don't have to break the bank to add nutrient-dense, whole foods to your diet, celeb nutritionist Kimberly Snyder says."
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Prison rehabilitation by learning to cook. Great article on an innovative program!
"The hens are free range and the chefs locked up."
"The hens are free range and the chefs locked up."
  • etsummer I've heard of a similar program out here in the Bay Area but it just teaches farming and gardening. Having this added cooking component is even better.
  • Brianne What a fantastic program!
  • mirasingh 87.5% success rate is pretty remarkable. Food can work wonders!
Naan bread pizza topped with tomato puree, cherry tomatoes, sweet peppers, green beans and almost spoiling arugula. Perfect study- meal
  • etsummer Great #nofoodwaste tip, using those almost-out-the-door greens!
  • carpe_deli Thanks @etsummer yes indeed 😋
  • RahulRaRa Gargeer! That's what some people call arugula or rocket around me. These greens wilt pretty easily in the heat, so this is a great recipe (I have no shortage of naan).
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'Eat fat to get thin': Official diet advice is 'disastrous' for obesity fight, new report warns
Udi's post
Your Favorite Artisanal Food Brand Is Probably Owned by a Huge Company | Mother Jones
"And three more got snatched up this week."
  • Riki Interesting. I guess it's similar to the startup scene.
  • whynotfresh So small = good ??
Cilantro Microgreens
I'm a little obsessed with these right now. They are a pain to harvest, but have such an amazing ...
I'm a little obsessed with these right now. They are a pain to harvest, but have such an amazing flavor.
  • sugardetoxme How do you harvest them? Just a sharp pair of scissors snipping away?
  • olivettefarm @sugardetoxme we use sharp harvest knives. They're a little easier to move around in the trays. Same knives we use for lettuce and other leafy greens.
New Crop of Companies Reaping Profits From Wasted Food
"Just as Rumpelstiltskin spun gold from straw, scores of new companies are trying to spin profits...
"Just as Rumpelstiltskin spun gold from straw, scores of new companies are trying to spin profits out of food waste. Several start-ups are chasing ways to use food waste to make other edibles. Som...
  • lauren This is amazing!
  • etsummer Love this so much! I need to go back and find an article I read a while back where a company was making fabric and clothing out of certain types of fruit and vegetable fiber from food waste. Such...
Baby carrots are not baby carrots - The Washington Post
"Admit it, you didn't know this about baby carrots."  #nofoodwaste (I knew)
"Admit it, you didn't know this about baby carrots." #nofoodwaste (I knew)
  • HealthyHarlequin Totally knew
  • annefood Yup. @manfood and I were just discussing this.
  • Udi I didn't know that it was born out of a desire to reduce "ugly carrot" waste though... "In the early 1980s, the carrot business was stagnant and wasteful. Growing seasons were long, and more...
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Garbage entrepreneurs are turning food waste into a business
"Part-time waitress, full-time garbage entrepreneur — Melissa Tashjian has carved out a niche hel...
"Part-time waitress, full-time garbage entrepreneur — Melissa Tashjian has carved out a niche helping turn smelly food scraps into a dark, rich medium to grow more fruits and vegetables." #nofoodwa...
Today's breakfast: Papaya Bowl take 2, filled with soy yoghurt, waffle leftovers, blueberries, Crocant and lime sprinkles. #nofoodwaste
  • etsummer Love the waffle leftovers 😂
  • Nelson This looks like all the best breakfasts rolled into one.
  • RahulRaRa Another one!
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