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Time-Delayed Eating Leads to Better Food Choices - The New York Times
What I love about this is that if you're ordering your lunch ahead of time via a meal app, or ord...
This app fights food waste by letting you buy restaurant leftovers : TreeHugger
"No, it's not the unfinished meals left by customers, but rather perfectly good food that would o...
Sage Project - Lots of Data about the Foods You Love
Completely wowed by the amount of information this team has consolidated about many many products...
Corn + Parmesan broth
Don't toss your corn cobs this summer! Save them for this easy and flavorful broth made with Parm...
Spelt bread with avocado is such a filling breakfast - with no sugar
I keep trying to avoid sugar for breakfast so I don't get hungry as quickly. Spelt bread does the...
Why Your Granola Is Really a Dessert - The New York Times
i've been on a muesli train for quite some time because of this. Check the package of your granol...
Our brain activity could be nudged to make healthier choices | bpHope - bp Magazine Community
"Pioneering research suggests our brains could be influenced to make the healthier choice.   Jun...
Grocery Labels Explained - all in one place!
So many new names/labels out there - love to see them all in one place with an infographic! (Si...
Change Food Fest - Nov 11-13, NYC Actively look at solutions that will create a sustainable food system. Apply to be a speaker or to attend at
"The Change Food Fest will take place in New York City on November 11, 12 and 13, 2016.  We will ...
New York City
First 🍆 harvest from my garden! Easiest way to prep veggies - olive oil, salt, pepper, herbs, and grill!
We got an electric grill and is the most used appliance. As much as grilling is associated with m...