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Pastaio Via Corta
Help support Pastaio Via Corta, a fresh pasta shop located in Gloucester, MA. We use local & sust...
Help support Pastaio Via Corta, a fresh pasta shop located in Gloucester, MA. We use local & sustainably grown wheats for our pastas that are raised through organic practices.
  • pastaioviacorta @Rachna thank you!
  • annefood Ditto @Rachna ! Supported! This is exactly what Foodstand stands for- someone creating a shop that serves the local community by providing people with a resource to help them get back in the...
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Scientists Have Found A Way To Keep Fruit Fresh Without A Refrigerator | Popular Science
"The secret could be silk"
"The secret could be silk"
Need a last minute Mother's Day gift? Check out @farmtopeople's #ladyboss box!
I got to nominate a #ladyboss maker, and of course I picked the beloved @AMK!
I got to nominate a #ladyboss maker, and of course I picked the beloved @AMK!
Fairway files for bankruptcy :(
  • munchiemummy So sad. I always preferred those types of supermarkets as opposed to the "upscale" ones when I lived in NYC.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians So sad.. They have been around forever
  • Riki Ouch, Very sad indeed !
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How Minimum Wage Hikes Could Affect Small Scale Franchisees
"Despite evidence to the contrary, fast-food franchisees say wage hikes will affect their bottom ...
"Despite evidence to the contrary, fast-food franchisees say wage hikes will affect their bottom line." These are small privately run businesses we are talking about. #policynews
  • DietID_TeamDietitians this is such an important discussion, because a lot of 'small businesses' in America are actually franchises - where the independent business owner absorbs all risk. As someone who grew up in a...
  • annefood So true, Rachna. Good to hear your comments on this.
Lots of veg cut up for a Chinese chopped chicken salad tonight! 🌿🍴❤️ #healthy #salad
Consumers Continue Reaching for 'Natural' Foods, Despite Not Knowing What 'Natural' Means
Such an important issue- people need to be educated about their food! "Concerned shoppers say the...
Such an important issue- people need to be educated about their food! "Concerned shoppers say the FDA should ban the word." #foodnews
  • munchiemummy I hope it does get banned. It's such a marketing scam and so upsetting to think how people who *want* to make better choices about their food, are being misled.
  • annefood The King of empty phrases!
  • etsummer I think we need a whole labeling overhaul! So many buzz words and even images/seemingly official badges and 'certifications' that don't really mean anything.
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Mighty Waldorf Salad | Jamie Oliver - YouTube
"Jamie gives this famous recipe a unique twist that’s going to blow your mind - roasted grapes. S...
"Jamie gives this famous recipe a unique twist that’s going to blow your mind - roasted grapes. Sounds odd but the natural balsamic sweetness and sticky caram..."
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a f...
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a few nutritious meals, getting your kids into the kitchen and supporting local food, or even advocatin...
  • Brianne School gardens need to be a staple!
  • JamieOliversFoodRevolution @Brianne agree! Some studies have shown that children who grow their own vegetables are five times more likely to eat them.
  • FarmerDave i second more growing! I've seen it in my own community. Kids and even adults who are part of the growing process have a different appreciation for the food they consume. It's like they treasure...
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Here's what 9,000 years of breeding has done to corn, peaches, and other crops - Vox
"Corn, watermelon, and peaches were unrecognizable 8,000 years ago."
"Corn, watermelon, and peaches were unrecognizable 8,000 years ago."
  • etsummer So interesting, looks like everything was small and hard. We've technically been genetically modifying foods then for thousands of years, no?