I hope it does get banned. It's such a marketing scam and so upsetting to think how people who *want* to make better choices about their food, are being misled.
I think we need a whole labeling overhaul! So many buzz words and even images/seemingly official badges and 'certifications' that don't really mean anything.
@etsummer you're so right. When I moved to the UK from the US, I got homesick for some packaged foods and when I found them in the international/American section at supermarkets here, all of the buzzwords/phrases like "8 vitamins and minerals!" had to be taped over and the ingredients label re-covered because the EU has much stricter labelling laws. And I think it's just great that they don't allow the BS.
@Ricky I'd love to start a conversation on the FDA, based on that article alone. The concept of a "Food AND Drug Administration" seems to raise a red flag on its own. If our food is so processed that it needs to be regulated as much as pharmaceuticals... 🚩
Thanks @annefood . Weaning myself off sugar , refined flour etc. Priming myself for the real food challenge. It's the first challenge that I gave up midway.