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Low Sugar Blueberry Pie

My littlest California cousins provide a healthy feast!
43 million gallons of milk have been dumped so far this year : TreeHugger

"Americans cannot consume all the milk being produced, so much of it is going to waste."
Healthy Burger !

DietID_TeamDietitians Nice! What's on it?
So are Breakfast essentials good for breakfast?
annefood Hey @RegannePreece ! Awesome that you joined the Avoid Sweets Challenge! Unfortunately Breakfast Essentials drinks aren't great. Many "nutrition" drinks like Breakfast Essentials are actually full...
doublek23 I'm in love with Ancient Harvest Quinoa Flakes! They are full of protein, don't have gluten, and is similar to oatmeal. Add some butter and toasted coconut flakes to it and it makes a great...
annefood Great recommendation @doublek23 !

Healthy and delicious
DietID_TeamDietitians oh my gosh I love these!
I had a set back today by eating a really high carb, high calorie dinner...I feel awful how bad will it set me back?
davisaa Don't worry too much about it, the first step of a healthy diet is being aware of what you're eating. Plus slip ups always happen! Just focus on how you can make your next meal healthy, and...
nikkipayne21 Aww thanks! I'm going to try to do better and resist my temptations. It's so difficult.
muffylolo Try looking on pinterest/ for healthy recipes:) its hard but every little step helps!
How do the checks work?
Do I check-in every time I drink 1 glass of water? Why is there 6 options for the check in?
emmie I think there are multiple options so you don't have to check in multiple times if you've just drank a couple glasses glasses of water :)
cyndecastro So should I check in at the end of the day as a total amount?
emmie You can if you'd like, but I think it's easier to keep track if you do it throughout the day