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Obama Expected to Sign Industry-Backed GMO Label Bill Into Law - EcoWatch

"UPDATE: The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill by a 306-117 vote Thursday. The bill now heads to President Obama's desk. Looks like we're finally getting GMO labels on food products—jus...
DietID_TeamDietitians Should we tweet to Obama? QR codes won't work!
SallyRogers @Rachna agreed!!!
mirasingh QR codes? Every other country just has a regular label. Why can't we do the same?
Friday inspiration: keep sharing how much you enjoy the produce of the summer!

Foodstand let's us all share our photos and recipes and products - and it turns out this is actual inspiration for the entire community to increase our consumption of the same! Telling us how your ...
DietID_TeamDietitians Love this!!!
LezEngel Fabulous news! I'd rather look at gorgeous produce than another selfie any day!
Paying Farmers to Go Organic, Even Before the Crops Come In - The New York Times
Great to see farmers are getting transition deals, but also interesting that the main transition crops are being used for animal feed. Let's grow some veggies people!
FarmerDave It's really great to see this happening, but I agree, this should be happening for fruits and vegetables and not just animal feed.
Friday meditation felt bread

Brianne I also feel like kneeding dough is like meditation. Nature's stress ball =)
Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell - this episode called food fight uses college dorm food to understand social justice issues

This episode raises the question of what is more valuable- better food or equity in colleges. Fascinating! And also reminds me of horrible college cafeteria meals
Study: Sugar hidden in junk food eight times more addictive than cocaine |

"Researchers now claim sugar found in highly processed foods is eight times more addictive than cocaine."
JenniferEmilson Whoa!
10 Ways to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar | Nutrition Stripped

"Reducing the overall amount of sugar in our diet is crucial to health, but what about balancing our blood sugars as a whole? Learn how to balance sugars."
Gwendolyn Agreed! Great tips.
Kellogg aims for 'halo effect' by placing cereal in the produce section | Food Dive

moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'don't shop in the center of the grocery store' will no longer apply.
SallyRogers This article infuriated me!! I hope this fight doesn't end up with samples of frosted mini wheats at the farmers markets... 😕
JenniferEmilson Rather pathetic.
DietID_TeamDietitians Ugh @SallyRogers I would throw my hands up! We gotta keep it out!
Farmers, Foresters, and Fishermen Have the Highest Suicide Rate of Any Profession - Modern Farmer

Do any of our beloved farmers want to weigh in on this? "Why is farming such a hard profession, and what can be done to change that?" This is pretty crazy. #foodnews
Food, Farming & the 2016 Election: A Conversation with Marion Nestle - Modern Farmer

"Part one of our new series following food policy on the campaign trail." #foodpolicy #ladyboss #foodnews