If you haven't heard of Aquafaba, check this out! It's the spent liquid that's left over after cooking chickpeas and is also an excellent vegan egg white replacer. For these pillowy meringues, I placed 300g of Aquafaba in the base mixer with 100g sugar and 30g vanilla. Whip till stiff. Pipe and bake
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Whoa! Great idea! @Rjross great idea for when you want treats!
Rjross 9yr This is genius. And revolutionary.
JenniferEmilson 9yr I've tried this a couple of times. Still trying to get the right consistency 😁
BendeR14 9yr @JenniferEmilson If your peaks aren't holding, try reducing your liquid by half on the stove, cool it and try again. This will help concentrate the protein and improve stability.
JenniferEmilson 9yr I'll keep trying!
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Thanks for the tips!