DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Welcome!!
etsummer 9yr Thanks! Stoked to be here!
Do you want chocolate cake like, right now?

Helloooo of course you do. Made this in 30 mins. With everything I had in my pantry. It's vegan! Doesn't even need eggs! Craving solved 🙃
gingerandchorizo Yes please!
mirasingh OK YES!
RahulRaRa Eggless cakes like this are all the rage here because many people here don't eat eggs. I'm going to try this at home though.
Food Tank’s Summer 2016 Reading List | FoodTank.com

16 picks from Foodtank, topics ranging from the ethics of what we eat and why we choose to eat some things over others, children’s malnutrition, starting your own urban garden, and the forgotten gr...
DietID_TeamDietitians Great recommendations for the #FoodBookandFilm club!
mirasingh Food for the City: A Future for the Metropolis - seems like a good follow up to this article in the guardian...
Breakfast pizza! With chili oil, scallions, mozzarella, pecorino romano and farm eggs.

If you haven't cracked an egg on pizza pleeeease make it a priority to try :D
JenniferEmilson One of my faves. Yours looks fab!
gingerandchorizo Looks delicious!! When do you crack the eggs on? From the beginning?
Vegan green goddess. Favorite thing to do with leftover herbs! #NoFoodWaste

BethIsGreen Oh my. Well done. And you got this nice and creamy.