Unpassions 8yr Any questions?
DietID_TeamDietitians 8yr great tip @unpassions!
Unpassions 8yr Thank you!! @rachna
For a sore throat, cut up some ginger and then mix it with honey and lemon. Chew slowly and do this twice a day until you feel better!!

Unpassions Questions??
lauren You just chew it and spit it out? I've made tea with the same ingredients, never thought to chew 'em!
garv I've tried this @Unpassions , works well. The only difference, we make a coarse ginger paste.
Don't get more than you can eat and try eating slower since this balances out your digestive system allows you to become more full quickly.

Unpassions You guys got any questions?
KyFish What is your strategy for knowing how much you can eat? At cafeterias where I have to choose my own portions, I never seem to get it right.
Unpassions @KyFish First of all, try not to skip meals because skipping your meal may result in you with an abnormally large appetite. Second of all, try starting out with your veggies since these are always...