It is interesting but, I'm not ready to give up all other pleasures yet and not going Vegan any time soon :)
More and more research supporting one common theme: less meat is better. For us and for the world we live in
Agree, and we're not ignoring it all together. We've reduced consumption of meat significantly, consume mostly organic chicken in smaller quantities and are increasing fish and plant base sources of food. So, from our perspective, we're heading in the right direction while still enjoying the broader spectrum of food offerings.
I can't give up beef totally. I know I'll have a steak at some point. But I totally agree- even small changes make a big difference. I've tried to cut beef down to every 2 weeks and I always buy it from the farmers market.
@munchiemummy that makes a lot of sense . I guess small steps are better than doing nothing at all. Balancing meats with veggie consumption is good for the body too.
"Kohlrabi is actually a German term for ”cabbage turnip”. It belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family just like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens and Brussels sprouts.Even th…"
A fun kohlrabi recipe - Shred it and mix with an egg and a few tablespoons of flour or breadcrumbs. Heat oil or butter in a flat skillet, drop on small mounds, and flatten slightly with the back of...
I finally got my boyfriend to try it. It was a bit daunting to him in it's raw form, so I steamed it and added it to a pasta dish. #FoodRevolution
I make latkes with it, kind of like your recipe @rachna and also shred it into salads or roast rounds in the oven and drizzle garlic aioli over it. I'll even it it like an apple!