The Full-Fat Paradox: Dairy Fat Linked To Lower Diabetes Risk
"The new findings add to the evidence suggesting that full-fat dairy may have protective effects — both in cutting the risk of diabetes and helping people control body weight."
Very interesting! I ate a ton of nonfat milk as a child and now can't digest cow dairy products. I've heard the two are correlated, and that drinking whole milk is better for many many reasons. Thanks for sharing!
Interesting and especially as I was going to change to low fat whole yogurt 😀
And to the title, this isn't a paradox, nor has the French diet been one. Fat (within reason) is healthy and needed, sugar, however, is what to avoid- which is often added to Skim milk so it isn't too terrible tasting.
@Yfalkson I had no idea they added sugar to skim milk! I grew up drinking 2% so skim always tasted like water to me.
A lot of places add protein back in because it gets stripped out with the fat, but certainly not always. Small dairy farms often don't add anything back in- I had a talk with Straus Creamery about this a while ago. Their nonfat milk is pure.
@annefood isn't there some rule that you can't call it 'skim' milk unless you add the protein back in? I may be making this up, but I feel like I read that somewhere. Also, i heard this from a chef: "Sugar is the new fat, and fat is the new delicious" =)
@Rachna not according to the Straus folks- they say their process doesn't strip out the protein in the first place. But I don't know a lot about it other than what they told me about their creamery!
We were such a low-fat household growing up. I've switched to 1% recently, but the larger shift toward actually internalizing this continues.
Yea @ricky we were a skim household for so long... And reversing what was once thought of as truth definitely takes time. I remember avoiding peanut butter for that reason... Now I realize I should have avoided the bagels instead :)
What veggies went into it? Too curious to know what makes a vegetarian poke !
It wasn't super clear to me but they called the tomato "poke"... there were also garlicky greens, kabocha squash, guacamole, sea asparagus, quinoa, radishes, and brown rice @garv