Tipping stinks. Seems like it's starting to change slowly. There's Uber. And Danny Meyer. The other day at a bar in Brooklyn the bartender told us not to tip her because she gets paid a proper wage. Prices were a bit higher, but I much prefer that myself. http://ny.eater.com/2015/10/14/9517747/danny-meyer-no-tipping-restaurants
"New research shows that WIC program participants mostly redeem their benefits at large stores, but small, local operations are still an important resource." #foodpolicy#foodnews
"Despite evidence to the contrary, fast-food franchisees say wage hikes will affect their bottom line." These are small privately run businesses we are talking about. #policynews
this is such an important discussion, because a lot of 'small businesses' in America are actually franchises - where the independent business owner absorbs all risk. As someone who grew up in a...
So true, Rachna. Good to hear your comments on this.