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What Is Aquafaba?
Who knew there was a name for chickpea water! "The hottest ingredient has been hiding in your pan...
Who knew there was a name for chickpea water! "The hottest ingredient has been hiding in your pantry this whole time."
  • simplywithout I had a cocktail with aquafaba this weekend at Vedge in Philly! Amazing!
  • garv Aquafaba , by itself is loaded with nutrients. Add a pinch of salt & pepper , that's it!
How Long Do Spices Really Last? | Tasting Table
"Do spices go bad? It's a question everyone's probably wondered at one point before pushing it ou...
"Do spices go bad? It's a question everyone's probably wondered at one point before pushing it out of mind, because who can replace a whole spice rack? You can."
A Local Grain Economy Comes to Life in California | Civil Eats
"Community Grains' effort to bring together farmers, plant breeders, millers, and bakers is picki...
"Community Grains' effort to bring together farmers, plant breeders, millers, and bakers is picking up steam." Great read and interesting topic; looks like local grains/flours are on the rise! #Foo...
  • annefood This is great- thanks for sharing @etsummer . I used to go to Olivetto with my parents on New Years Eve when I was a kid- our special holiday treat!
The top 10 foods with the biggest environmental footprint - Business Insider
!! Didn't expect cheese to be so high on the list "If you care about the planet, you may want to ...
!! Didn't expect cheese to be so high on the list "If you care about the planet, you may want to think twice before ordering that hamburger."
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Chicken and rice
Day 2/5: Eat 3 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level II
Day 2/5: Eat 3 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level II
How to use your food leftovers: fill them into a kumpir/oven potato 😋 Happy Sunday guys !
carpe_deli's post
Climate change predicted to halve coffee-growing area that supports 120m people | Environment | The Guardian
Cut your meat to save your coffee! "More than 120 million of the world’s poorest depend on the co...
Cut your meat to save your coffee! "More than 120 million of the world’s poorest depend on the coffee economy, a report says, and their livelihoods are already suffering from temperature rises"
Wohooooo, sooo happy when I got this🎉 Thank you Foodstand and @JamieOliversFoodRevolution for this prize. I made a nice meal already 👌🏼
carpe_deli's post
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Leftover Meal Plan Swipes: No Waste Here - The New York Times
An incredible #NoFoodWaste story, but also one about how food waste becomes a problem.
  • MargaretG I love this idea, though.
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I used to donate my meal swipes at NYU and I was aware of the expensive price of meal plans. I think it makes sense to require meal plans for freshmen in dorm housing but otherwise it's another way...
Kellogg aims for 'halo effect' by placing cereal in the produce section | Food Dive
moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'do...
moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'don't shop in the center of the grocery store' will no longer apply.
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