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This is How to Boost Your Immune System Today

"Tired of getting sick all the time? The way we live today wages a constant battle on one of our body’s greatest defenders of our health—our immune system. Chronic stress, bad sleep, antibacterial ...
darkchocolatepeanutbutter I've been sick more frequently than usual since I had a sinus infection last November. I'm not sure if it's because of stress or changing environments but lately it feels like everyone has been...
Simple Steps by Consumers Can Curb Food Waste

Love this list. For me, one things continues to stand out: Can we please figure out ways to communicate those "buy by" dates are not consistent across the US and people should just use their best j...
DietID_TeamDietitians So glad Dana got this piece in! Cc @EvaLouise!
Hmm this article is timely for me this morning... Dessert being disguised as breakfast.

"Japan has a better way."
Udi "And don't forget: Not everyone necessarily has to eat breakfast. That's a myth that was mostly cooked up by the makers of sugary desserts — I mean, breakfasts — outlined here."
... -
Udi "As nutrition researcher Marion Nestle puts it: "Many — if not most — studies demonstrating that breakfast eaters are healthier and manage weight better than non-breakfast eaters were sponsored by...
This breakfast is known as the banh mi op la. I could eat this everyday. If you ever find yourself in Saigon go to Hoa Ma to get this.

Side note: I'll post more pasta tips once I get back to the states.
etsummer Yummm
Georegulus Looks like a full plate
DietID_TeamDietitians Omg this is amazing!! @shannonvittoria
Grilled artichokes and olives in a salad add texture and a ton of flavor. You won't miss meat!

Day 5/14: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level III
annefood YUM! Anything grilled in a salad adds so much flavor too.
garv I'm experimenting with crumb coated olives for my menu
DietID_TeamDietitians @garv - crumb coated olives?! this sounds too good to be true!
Note to self: Don't visit Alabama during the Eat Less Meat challenge.
Jim 'N Nick's Bar-b-q

Still have one free pass left for the next few days to finish up Level 5! Gonna make it...
annefood Haha totally. You've got this!
Inday offers a veggie-packed Indian bowl, perfect for a rainy day dinner with the team. Kelp noodles are the base - and are delish!

Bonus addition - chikki all the way from Bombay, courtesy of @garv!!! The whole team says thank you!!
annefood :)
garv Hey. I hope you enjoyed it. Will send ya a more respectable quantity the next time around. Didn't think you guys would meet!
This Is Why Frozen Fruits Should Be Your New Best Friend

I really think freezers should be bigger than the refrigerator part of your fridge. I use my freezer to preserve so much - from fruits, to veggies, to chutneys, to compost, and everything in between!
JenniferEmilson I totally agree with you!!