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Here’s How to Solve World Hunger

"About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste. That’s enough to feed two billion people." Here at Foodstand, we are big believers in reducing and eliminating food waste. You better believe we w...
JenniferEmilson Totally agree!! Why wait for November?!
Comfort food, homemade. #leftovers #nofoodwaste

Leftover chicken and potatoes from this week's slow cooking adventures are added to BBQ sauce and thrown on a bun.
DietID_TeamDietitians Such a good #nofoodwaste example!
160 billion lbs of food are wasted yearly due to confusing date-labeling laws.

EXPIRED is a five minute film that reveals how best by and sell by dates applied at the state level restrict stores from selling or donating perfectly good food. Did you know that "spoiled" pasteur...
unconventionalbaker Really a shame. I guess there's no way to avoid this when food is mass produced the way it is today -- common sense is traded for "standards" that tend to backfire... :/
JenniferEmilson Isn't it also an issue of not understand 'Best By' dates vs 'Use By' dates. Best By is a safety net for retailers, even though there is plenty of life still in that product! Nothing beats our own...
annefood @JenniferEmilson totally! But apparently those best by dates aren't even backed by current science, yet after that date the food can't even be donated! There needs to be some sort of either a)...
The Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste
Haven't dove into this yet, but this is The first ever national economic study in action plan devoted to tackling food waste at scale. #nofoodwaste
Everything in my fridge w/ lemon juice, evoo, salt and pepper 😄 #fridayfun

annefood You had some yummy stuff in your fridge! #nofoodwaste
Saturday stew prep

annefood Great use of Parmesan rind! #nofoodwaste
Spring into pesto!

What's your favorite way to pesto?!
lauren Ooh have yet to try avocado pesto... But I love making carrot top pesto! Feels good to have #nofoodwaste
DietID_TeamDietitians Arugula and pistachio