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Say goodbye to "barcode cooking" - Say hello to cooking well from scratch -The POWER of my family's dinner plate ⚾️ #Foodrevolution
"The power of our dinner plate"
"The power of our dinner plate"
Cartoonist Fired From Farm News for Pro-Farmer Cartoon
Such a sad story of a veteran cartoonist / farmer who published a cartoon that had 2 farmers chat...
Such a sad story of a veteran cartoonist / farmer who published a cartoon that had 2 farmers chatting: “I wish there was more profit in farming,” one farmer says. “There is,” the other replies. “I...
Chopped Chinese chicken salad for dinner tonight! 🍴🌿💚 used up all of the random bits of veg in the fridge. #nofoodwaste
  • DietID_TeamDietitians stems included?
  • FarmerDave Greens, even if slightly wilted, work great in a stir fry. I'm glad you used them. They take a lot of work (and water) to grow, so I always cringe when I see someone throw them away.
  • munchiemummy @rachna If I can't use bits and ends of veggies, I save them to make vegetable stock or soups.
Chopping away to make my family-famous veggie lasagna for dinner tonight! ❤️ #meatlessmonday
#Tacotuesday with garlic and sweet pepper sauteed bimi and mushroom leftover tacos topped with houmous and pomegranate. #nofoodwaste
Use less than stellar berries & fruit to make a shrub! This sweetened vinegar will make great drinks! Cherries, allspice & peppercorns.
  • NehaNBB I had to google what shrub was, and I'm so glad I did. Is shrub like switchel? Is switchel a type of shrub? But I love this berry combination with black peppercorns.
  • JenniferEmilson I had to look up switchel! @NehaNBB Not exactly. This is purely a flavoured and sweetened vinegar. It can be made with so many different fruits and spices. Then it is boiled with sugar. At this...
The 'New York Times' Is Getting Into the Meal Kit Delivery Business - Eater
"It's teaming up with Chef'd" #FoodRevolution
"It's teaming up with Chef'd" #FoodRevolution
Coconut crusted fried ice cream. To die for!!
8yr Rajanee Thai Haleiwa
Kohlrabi makes a fun healthy snack. Thus I thought I d share its 15 nutritional benefits, - quite impressive.
"Kohlrabi is actually a German term for  ”cabbage turnip”.  It belongs to the cruciferous vegetab...
"Kohlrabi is actually a German term for  ”cabbage turnip”.  It belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family just like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens and Brussels sprouts.Even th…"
  • DietID_TeamDietitians A fun kohlrabi recipe - Shred it and mix with an egg and a few tablespoons of flour or breadcrumbs. Heat oil or butter in a flat skillet, drop on small mounds, and flatten slightly with the back of...
  • AnitaD I finally got my boyfriend to try it. It was a bit daunting to him in it's raw form, so I steamed it and added it to a pasta dish. #FoodRevolution
  • JenniferEmilson I make latkes with it, kind of like your recipe @rachna and also shred it into salads or roast rounds in the oven and drizzle garlic aioli over it. I'll even it it like an apple!
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Lots of veg cut up for a Chinese chopped chicken salad tonight! 🌿🍴❤️ #healthy #salad