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Has anyone ever WWOOF'd in Italy (or anywhere else)? Looking for farm suggestions/general advice for this summer!
Hi fellow Foodstanders! I just finished my masters program and am job hunting! Have any leads?
Figured there would be no better community to turn to than Foodstand, as I'm looking to work in g...
Nominate your favorite carrot farmer! Who grows your favorites?
Taro root and chayote squash. Any good recipes or suggestions on how to cook these vegetables?
Who's watching Chef's Table: France???
I recently saw the trailer for this Netflix series and can't wait to start watching it tonight.
Obscure Summer Vegetables You Should Be Eating. Which ones have you guys tried?
I love this list. I've never had Salsify, but i've had all the others.
Can meat make it on the Climate Change Summit (COP22) radar?
One young woman asks the big question. (Just FYI According to the U.N., livestock production is r...
Found some of these guys (bagradas) chomping on kale (and everything) at @mottstreeturbanfarm ... Anyone know how to get rid of them?
Maybe @sugardetoxme ?
Mott Street Urban Farm
Name this melon!
Tastes like a cucumber, looks like a dinosaur egg. Anyone know what it really is?
Is there a plug in for Food Stand for bloggers to out their feed on the home page of their food blog? Like a Twitter feed?