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What Is Aquafaba?

Who knew there was a name for chickpea water! "The hottest ingredient has been hiding in your pantry this whole time."
simplywithout I had a cocktail with aquafaba this weekend at Vedge in Philly! Amazing!
garv Aquafaba , by itself is loaded with nutrients. Add a pinch of salt & pepper , that's it!
annefood #tipoftheday
How Long Do Spices Really Last? | Tasting Table

"Do spices go bad? It's a question everyone's probably wondered at one point before pushing it out of mind, because who can replace a whole spice rack? You can."
A Local Grain Economy Comes to Life in California | Civil Eats

"Community Grains' effort to bring together farmers, plant breeders, millers, and bakers is picking up steam." Great read and interesting topic; looks like local grains/flours are on the rise! #Foo...
The top 10 foods with the biggest environmental footprint - Business Insider

!! Didn't expect cheese to be so high on the list "If you care about the planet, you may want to think twice before ordering that hamburger."
DietID_TeamDietitians And lamb! I thought beef would be at the top
sugardetoxme I wish I could like this more times to put this up on the top
Chicken and rice

Day 2/5: Eat 3 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level II
How to use your food leftovers: fill them into a kumpir/oven potato 😋 Happy Sunday guys !

DietID_TeamDietitians Such a good idea!
Climate change predicted to halve coffee-growing area that supports 120m people | Environment | The Guardian

Cut your meat to save your coffee! "More than 120 million of the world’s poorest depend on the coffee economy, a report says, and their livelihoods are already suffering from temperature rises"
Wohooooo, sooo happy when I got this🎉 Thank you Foodstand and @JamieOliversFoodRevolution for this prize. I made a nice meal already 👌🏼

sugardetoxme Congrats again!!!
munchiemummy Love this book!!
DietID_TeamDietitians woohoo! congrats!
Leftover Meal Plan Swipes: No Waste Here - The New York Times
An incredible #NoFoodWaste story, but also one about how food waste becomes a problem.
MargaretG I love this idea, though.
darkchocolatepeanutbutter I used to donate my meal swipes at NYU and I was aware of the expensive price of meal plans. I think it makes sense to require meal plans for freshmen in dorm housing but otherwise it's another way...
Kellogg aims for 'halo effect' by placing cereal in the produce section | Food Dive

moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'don't shop in the center of the grocery store' will no longer apply.
SallyRogers This article infuriated me!! I hope this fight doesn't end up with samples of frosted mini wheats at the farmers markets... 😕
JenniferEmilson Rather pathetic.
DietID_TeamDietitians Ugh @SallyRogers I would throw my hands up! We gotta keep it out!