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What is Food ?
Food. There are so many aspects to it that an entire encyclopedia could be 
written on it. For m...
Food. There are so many aspects to it that an entire encyclopedia could be
written on it. For many cultures food is more than what we ingest. In the
introduction of his book "Food Energetics", ...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Food is one of the only things that unites us all, and somehow also divides us. It should be an equalizer - all barriers break down when you break bread together, but that isn't currently the case.
  • unconventionalbaker Hm... interesting argument. There's definitely something to food that holds cultures together. But I think the worship of the sun and stars and the traditions that come from that have a stronger...
  • mirasingh Great point @unconventionalbaker. I think food for some people has become a routine - because we don't have a connection to food anymore. I don't agree with that, but I think that's where we've come
Food Policy Action | Tell Congress: Reject electronic GMO labeling & demand mandatory, clear, on-package labels
Proposed solution for labeling GMO food: QR codes? I mean no matter your feelings about GMO food,...
Proposed solution for labeling GMO food: QR codes? I mean no matter your feelings about GMO food, QR codes as a solution for anything, ever... Sorry. I'm biasing the discussion. Would you scan a QR...
  • sugardetoxme I have used a QR code once. So I'm with you. I'm curious what other folks on the farming, journalism and policy front think would be great solutions @SaraGassman @olivettefarm @Emmatellsfoodstories...
  • olivettefarm I've never used a QR code and I doubt most people would for their food. I think clear on package labeling is the very best option, but that will be a huge fight. In the mean time I think educating...
  • annefood So smartphone = no access to the information. People should not need fancy technology to be able to know what they're eating. And I guarantee a busy mother with a job and three kids does not have...
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How do you Salvage Salad Greens?
@Food52 recently did this post on salvaging salad greens in soup. I just did this with some lefto...
@Food52 recently did this post on salvaging salad greens in soup. I just did this with some leftover tatsoi. Sure some of you have tips. Any suggestions?
  • olivettefarm Love tatsoi! I like to add that to smoothies when I have a ton. I also like to grill romaine heads if they're beginning to wilt.
  • katewilson Those are good ones. My dad loves spinach in his smoothies. And he's a beast behind the grill! Grilled romaine sounds great with blue cheese. @olivettefarm
  • sugardetoxme I take my wilty kale and turn it into kale chips. Usually add a little cumin or nutritional yeast for added B vitamins. Bet @serveMEnow @gingerandchorizo @Cravingsinamsterdam @JenniferEmilson and...
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New fruit of the week? Has anyone had Durian? This video of Jimmy Kimmel and Jessica Chastain eating the smelly fruit is hilarious.
"It kind of smells like a garbage can."
"It kind of smells like a garbage can."
  • Ricky 😨
  • sugardetoxme Yes, a Singaporean fave
  • serveMEnow Yes, a Filipino staple. Stinks but delicious. Never knew the stench was a big deal until everyone on the interwebs started trying it. Lol
Would you put 12 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee? Great NY Times piece on the need for better sugar labels and warnings
  • JenniferEmilson If people only understood that this is what is in most soft drinks.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yep! The article mentioned a whole roster of drinks, including several that are commonly thought of as healthy
If you could get the general population to change ONE aspect of their eating habits, what would it be?
One of our Behind The Plate questions that we ask interviewees is “If you could get the general p...
One of our Behind The Plate questions that we ask interviewees is “If you could get the general population to change one aspect of their eating habits, what would it be?” We've rounded up our top 1...
  • annefood An easy one is to simply read nutrition labels! Right @manfood ? What are your eating habit change thoughts @Rachna @sugardetoxme @ErikMariscal ?
  • annefood What do you think @pphlipot ?
  • manfood I would opt for skipping a meat / animal option- think veggies and think helping the planet. We need to eat less meat... Even though it tastes so good, less is more....
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Picked up dried mulberries the other day here in Vancouver. What to do with them! I have some ideas, but welcome more suggestions!
JenniferEmilson's post
  • sugardetoxme I'd love to know what to do with mulberries. Maybe a homemade granola?
  • SimplySeema Love mulberries! I love adding the fresh ones into homemade raw chocolate. It's a delicious sweet surprise. Imagine it would be great mixed in with nuts, cereal or even cookies! What are your ideas...
  • JenniferEmilson I've only ever had them fresh. These have a slight crunch, like figs. I'll either use for granola or porridge topping, or else I'll reconstitute them in safer for baking.
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By pairing exercise and nutrition, fitness studios are taking a holistic approach to health- has anyone joined a fitness studio's diet plan?
To help customers avoid derailing their fitness goals with poor eating habits, some gyms are addi...
To help customers avoid derailing their fitness goals with poor eating habits, some gyms are adding custom diets to their services. #foodnews
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I think this is really smart! I wish they had a program like this my YMCA.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Especially for weight loss, food is the majority of influence, so it only makes sense to pair nutrition and exercise. But unfortunately in some gyms, I still see some questionable items in the...
Have you ever wanted to own a restaurant? (One Night at Kachka is fascinating)
Ive always wanted to own a restaurant, until I read kitchen confidential, and then I wanted it ev...
Ive always wanted to own a restaurant, until I read kitchen confidential, and then I wanted it even more! This is a great piece about running a restaurant. If you have wanted to own a restaurant, d...
  • garv Can totally relate to this ! In fact , reading it is more exciting than being part of the scene!
What do you think are the biggest issues in food today?
Is it in food production? Distribution? Access? Waste? Consumer education? Legislation? Something...
Is it in food production? Distribution? Access? Waste? Consumer education? Legislation? Something else entirely? Would love to hear what you guys think.
  • katewilson I'm voting food waste but I'm thrilled to see how much efforts are being put behind it now
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I still feel the dietary guidelines are inadequate. If the USDA could consider the public over corporations, we'd have better direction.
  • sugardetoxme It's two parts for me. Food waste is obviously huge. If good food was about actually feeding people then we wouldn't have hunger, but food has become a business. But let's also talk about the big...
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