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senojecurbe #macaronhell hours and hours of failures, with a few perfect exceptions.
senojecurbe they're not filled yet...
DietID_TeamDietitians What was the secret to get them just right?
Pink bread made with local beets
Southampton, NY

CrownAndQueue Woooah! Do you mash the beets first? Do they add sweetness?! Do you adjust the other ingredients in some way to account for the extra liquid - or... Ack! So many questions! Must know how this works!
CrownAndQueue Must. Know. How. This. Works!!! Lol.
Carissas_Breads @CrownAndQueue im so pleased you're interested! I actually boil the peeled chopped beets in a little water till soft & purée. Once this is cool I use it instead of water. The outside result is...