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Sugar detox day 4! Morning oats w/ banana, blueberries, seeds, nuts, almond milk and chia seeds... Huge sugar cravings 😿
Day 2/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
Day 2/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
  • annefood You're in the thick of it but I promise it WILL get better if you stick to it. You're doing awesome!
  • DiotimeBoudoussier Thanks @annefood ! This challenge is sooooo hard
  • annefood I know it totally is! Pushing through is the best way to make it easier though. Have you read this article that @Udi posted ?...
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Homemade raw almond butter -- significantly less expensive than store-bought and *no added sugar!* to help me through this week's challenge
Emma's post
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carrots & honey @TSK
carrots & honey @TSK
Humous, fried eggs and bacon on toast with siracha and salad leaves 👌
Day 2/3: Eat One Bite At A Time Level II
Day 2/3: Eat One Bite At A Time Level II
#DayTrip to Cape Cod for a special #SundayFunday - suggestions for a perfect family-friendly #brunch spot?
8yr Cape Cod
serveMEnow's post
The best breakfast! Instant seed porridge with 1tsp peanut butter, Greek yoghurt, cinnamon and frozen raspberries 😋👌
Day 1/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
Day 1/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
  • annefood A great one for avoid added sugar too!
  • Brianne I love adding cinnamon and frozen berries to cut back on added sugar as well.
More Moosewood munchies 😊
French fish packet with roasted cauliflower salad
French fish packet with roasted cauliflower salad
Mindfulness is key - to allowing treats without going overboard into a binge!!
Day 2/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
This challenge called out to me!
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a ...
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a bad habit but never enough to change it. At level 4 now , it's not getting easier , but I'm having a...
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Veggies for days.
Juliaehale's post