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Oct 12
Why is the app not letting me get to Oct 12? When I'm on Oct 13 and hit back arrow it goes to Oct 11.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey there! I just sent you a DM as well. We're looking into the issue you are seeing. In the meantime, let us know how many fruits and veggies you had yesterday and we would be happy to manually...
  • singingwarrior I'm wondering if it is because one challenge ended on Oct 11. And since i didn't get the new challenge "started" by not getting my entries done on Oct 12, the app wanted to make Oct 13 as day 1 of...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @singingwarrior - we're looking into it and it may actually be a bug. Let me know what your total was for the 12th and I can try to update it manually.
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How do you Salvage Salad Greens?
@Food52 recently did this post on salvaging salad greens in soup. I just did this with some lefto...
@Food52 recently did this post on salvaging salad greens in soup. I just did this with some leftover tatsoi. Sure some of you have tips. Any suggestions?
  • olivettefarm Love tatsoi! I like to add that to smoothies when I have a ton. I also like to grill romaine heads if they're beginning to wilt.
  • katewilson Those are good ones. My dad loves spinach in his smoothies. And he's a beast behind the grill! Grilled romaine sounds great with blue cheese. @olivettefarm
  • sugardetoxme I take my wilty kale and turn it into kale chips. Usually add a little cumin or nutritional yeast for added B vitamins. Bet @serveMEnow @gingerandchorizo @Cravingsinamsterdam @JenniferEmilson and...
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Agave nectar
Is that allowed?
  • annefood Nope! Agave nectar is an added sugar (as are maple syrup, coconut nectar, honey, etc.).
  • ElanaG I didn’t think so, so I used half a pass since I ate a couple spoonfuls of Greek yogurt with it (siggi).
    Hard to find stuff while away on business!
  • annefood Good call. Yes it is indeed!
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If you could ask the future President to consider a food issue that needs to be addressed, what would it be?
Another one of our favorite Behind The Plate questions that we ask interviewees! What we learned ...
Another one of our favorite Behind The Plate questions that we ask interviewees! What we learned is that food policy is key to the health and wellbeing of our country. From protecting the land and ...
Did you know??
That 40% of our corn crop winds up in gas tanks as ethanol and about 8 bushels of corn is only 22...
That 40% of our corn crop winds up in gas tanks as ethanol and about 8 bushels of corn is only 22 gallons of fuel BUT is also enough to feed a person for a year. Not a huge proponent of an all-corn...
  • BobDale unbelievable statistics
  • DietID_TeamDietitians This is heartbreaking. We're using so much of our land for fuel for cars instead of fuel for our bodies
  • sugardetoxme Let's talk about antibiotic use too when it comes to animals!
Healthy Cafe Inquiry
Hey Foodstanders- What are your favorite healthy cafes to gather with a group of friends? Looking for something open during the evenings here in the city. Thanks in advance!
FREE Tomato Jam with the purchase of a Katchkie Farm CSA share tomorrow!
Join the 2016 Katchkie Farm CSA for a season of gorgeous, NOFA-certified organic vegetables!

Join the 2016 Katchkie Farm CSA for a season of gorgeous, NOFA-certified organic vegetables! Members sign up for a share in the farm before the growing season and pay up front, with the option to ...
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How do the streaks work?? I don’t really understand. Mine is always zero :(
  • annefood A streak is when you don’t use any full or half passes, and thus successfully avoid added sugar. No passes used for 3 days and you have a 3 day streak, for example. It resets when you use one- I...
  • shmoozii I was wondering about that too.
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Do You Eat Like a Republican or a Democrat? | TIME
fascinating survey - but it's using Grubhub data and I don't ever order takeout, so I feel like t...
fascinating survey - but it's using Grubhub data and I don't ever order takeout, so I feel like the data is skewed. You're also asked to choose between foods - some of which I don't even like, e.g....
What is your quick go-to dinner?
Mine is whatever veggies are in the fridge + salt + olive oil + heat. Or toss raw veg in some kin...
Mine is whatever veggies are in the fridge + salt + olive oil + heat. Or toss raw veg in some kind of sauce. Yay sides for dinner!
  • lauren Funny you say that, I *just* ate a giant bowl of roasted kale sprouts for dinner!
  • marynfulton2 Mine is some kind of stir-fry. Leftover grain, tofu/chickpea/egg, whatever veggies are in the fridge, and rice vinegar, tamari, ginger, and sriracha (all staples in my fridge) topped with cashews,...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Best fast dinner - sautéed edamame, greens, and garlic topped with a pouched egg, hot sauce, and hummus or avocado.
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