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Bittman's op-ed today on why Philly's Proposal of a Soda Tax is different

"The tax is being billed as an anti-poverty initiative. Until now, every proposed soda tax has been sold first as a health measure; income from the tax has been secondary — destined for the general...
DietID_TeamDietitians A projected $95M annually - this is pretty fantastic.
Gwendolyn Nice!
Arsenic, rice and your baby's diet -

"Arsenic in baby rice cereals and snack products can cause harm to baby's immune system and intellectual development."
@BlueApron partners with Monterey Bay's Seafood Watch to ensure you get sustainable fish in your meal kit
What isn't clear from this announcement is if blue apron is committing to only "Best choice" fish per the seafood watch guide. None-the-less, at least @BlueApron is educating consumers while ask ge...
etsummer I have some friends from school who work on the Seafood Watch program. Was stoked to see this announcement!
DietID_TeamDietitians Nice!! Would love to know what they think of this!
Basmati rice leftovers turned into oat milk rice topped with blueberries, the dandelion rests found in the sieve and honey #nofoodwaste

DietID_TeamDietitians Wow did you make this for brekkie?
carpe_deli Yesss @rachna 😉 my aunty gave me the dandelions n leftovers that were in the sieve, since you can also eat those. They still have this fruity taste mixed with apple juice and lemon from the jam...
annefood YUM!
Forage in the Garden, Not in What's Left of the Wild

"The foraging movement is an understandable outcome of people yearning to reconnect with the natural world, but we must respect our remaining wild lands."
Go Gleaning!

Don't leave food to waste in the field. Here's a network across various states to "glean" in the field after the harvest. Curious if there are others in the Northeast? #NoFoodWaste
JayH very cool. I'm going to look for something like this near me.
Three jars of homemade laksa paste!
Brooklyn, NY

Three jars of laksa paste going into my fridge. Maybe this should be AMK's next product? Nah, I doubt there are enough people who want to make their own curry laksa at home here in the US. I'll be ...
DietID_TeamDietitians Yay!! Good luck this week!! And curry paste - I'd use it!
Zucchini saute with leftovers

xtremekitchen if you have done filled zucchinis which is called dolma. Then you'll get insides out and do not throw them! Put in the fridge and use it the next they. All you gotta do is sauté this curly insides...
DietID_TeamDietitians Such an amazing idea!