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Another full/fun day at my kitchen: Spicy-miso sesame udon with homemade garlic sesame chili oil

GGShah That ingredient list seems daunting, but it looks delicious. Do you just have a lot of this in stock in your pantry?
Kitty @GGShah yes I do have all of those in my pantry:)
Humous, fried eggs and bacon on toast with siracha and salad leaves 👌

Day 2/3: Eat One Bite At A Time Level II
DietID_TeamDietitians Looks awesome!
Couscous salad w/ falafels and veggies - quitting sugar is so hard

Day 6/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
garv Add some dairy proteins to your meal. Labneh will pair well with this one. But yeah , I thought quitting sugar was the toughest challenge from the list
DiotimeBoudoussier @garv Agree! Super tough and I got to admit I almost used all the passes... 🙈🙉🙊 Thing is I cant eat dairy proteins because m a vegan... Does soy Labneh exist? 😹
garv It's quite an effort but check this out :
Low carb meal - falafels with lentils, avocado, beetroot, salad, humus and tomatoes

Day 5/7: Avoid Added Sugar Level III
Lemon Pepper & Garlic Chicken with a Spinach and Mixed Vegetable Salad 💪

Since I had this beautiful October day off; what better way to spend it making a healthy lunch?
Super easy (and affordable!) to make in a pinch.
Just cut the vegetables to your liking and toss....
Any recipes for infused water that can also detox?

DietID_TeamDietitians I'm a big fan of adding ginger to water or homemade soda water. It adds a nice kick and it's great for digestion
FinallyFit Thank you so much! I'll definitely have to try the lemon, cucumber and mint! The ginger sounds delicious too!
garv While you are at it , try lime or ginger &honey
Decorative easy to make healthy addition to the dinner table.

DietID_TeamDietitians Love these! May make this for my Lunch today