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ShaperTalk w/ Oliver Zahn (Impossible Foods)
7yr WeWork Transbay
The chief data scientist at Impossible Foods -- which is intelligently transforming plants into t...
The chief data scientist at Impossible Foods -- which is intelligently transforming plants into the most delicious, nutritious, and sustainable meats and dairy foods, without relying on animals -- ...
Dinner last night - bowl magic!
Day 3/7: Eat Real Food Level II

Cooked up lentils and quinoa for the week and added carrots, aru...
Day 3/7: Eat Real Food Level II Cooked up lentils and quinoa for the week and added carrots, arugula, yogurt, bell pepper, and pecorino. Topped this with lemons juice EVOO and seasoned with salt a...
All of the things on my plate are leftover and come together for a fast, delicious veggie-filled lunch.
Day 17/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Day 17/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Add your kimchi and juice at the very end of preparing Kimchi Fried Rice and Scallion Salad to keep the most possible probiotics active.
"I can’t believe we’re almost finished the second half of January.  Boy time flies when you’re ha...
"I can’t believe we’re almost finished the second half of January.  Boy time flies when you’re having fun.  And in this case, having fun refers to cooking out of thi…"
I don't eat sugar cookies. I bake these for aesthetic reason. These are too darn pretty to be eaten anyway. 😂😂
Kitty's post
  • annefood Do you give them as gifts @Kitty ? They're beautiful!
  • Kitty @annefood thank you, that's very nice of you. And yes I will save them for my friends.
Need a help
The program is telling me to enter a code but when I try, the program does not recognize it. Is there a particular coded need. I will love to start my health habit journey but it will not allow to ...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hi @Monica101. You can choose a challenge without entering a code. Just go to the My Challenge tab (2nd tab) and you should see a list of challenges to choose from. Pick one from that list, choose...
  • Monica101 Thank you so much. I noticed some did not have levels but I think it was not tailored to my starting goal. Once again thank you. If you don't mind, may I add you to my buddy list since I am new.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Great! I'm glad you were able to choose one. Yes, you most definitely can add me as a buddy =). I'm currently doing the Eat 5 fruits and veggies challenge.
See all 4 comments...
Porridge oats with fresh pear, frozen raspberries, a sprinkling of sultanas and Alpro coconut milk drink.
Day 1/3: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level I
Day 1/3: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level I
See all 4 comments...
Warm and brothy, sausage and potato stew for the soul
mrscorco's post
This salad took 5 minutes to make with organic, pre-washed greens and homemade vinaigrette I had in the fridge.
Day 8/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Day 8/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
  • annefood Don't be afraid @MaureenS ! Fennel is fantastic, both raw and cooked. A nice acidic vinaigrette with some citrus juice in it works really well for raw fennel. And cooking fennel is super...
Miso Glazed Carrots
Turn your not-so-crispy carrots into an appetizer or side dish that is oh-so-tasty! 

Use a wok f...
Turn your not-so-crispy carrots into an appetizer or side dish that is oh-so-tasty! Use a wok for best results.