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Can I do more than one challenge a day
  • annefood Hey @Spinfiber ! Great question. It has been shown that people are more successful at developing healthy habits when they tackle one aspect of their diet at a time, so you can only complete one...
Fell off the wagon last week, but doing ok this time!
Day 5/7: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level II
Is Stevia something we should avoid as well?
  • annefood @AuthenticBriana great question! Stevia is allowed as it does not have the same effect on your blood sugar levels as sugar. However, you should use limited amounts because it can cause gastric...
Change start date?
How do I change my start date for a particular challenge?
Earth Day Block party featuring garden to table cooking demos, seedling plantings, yoga, raffle, live music, food trucks and vendors. Hosted by Education Outside, SF PUC and Slow Food SF. 300 block...
Day 1/7: Stop Eating 2 Hours Before Bed Level II
Day 1/7: Stop Eating 2 Hours Before Bed Level II
Celebration of Life
My family and I attended my Great Uncle Van's Celebration of Life. We had a great time. Memories ...
My family and I attended my Great Uncle Van's Celebration of Life. We had a great time. Memories were made and I'm so happy to have had the opportunity to meet family I have never met. Despite my ...
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bluewolf3666's post
redwolf3666's post
Can I eat groats?
AhmedZ's post
  • DietID_TeamDietitians absolutely! These are whole grains =)
  • AhmedZ oh good, thank u..
    what about wheat flour? it also has sugar showed in the nutrition fact schedule
  • annefood @AhmedZ - many foods have naturally occurring sugars, which show up in the nutrition panel. Naturally occurring sugars are fine on this challenge. Just be sure to look at the ingredients list and...
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Keepin' on
The secret weapon for the after lunch sweet tooth: flavored teas. Double dark chocolate mate is my current favorite.
  • annefood Totally agree @LezEngel ! Tea saves me!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Same!! Cinnamon tea is a current fave but I also have tried this passionfruit almond tea mix that I can't find anywhere else. It reminds me of honey bunches of oats 😍