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What You Need To Know About the New GMO Labeling Law - Modern Farmer

"This is what you'll eventually find on grocery-store food products." #policynews #foodnews
Obama Expected to Sign Industry-Backed GMO Label Bill Into Law - EcoWatch

"UPDATE: The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill by a 306-117 vote Thursday. The bill now heads to President Obama's desk. Looks like we're finally getting GMO labels on food products—jus...
DietID_TeamDietitians Should we tweet to Obama? QR codes won't work!
SallyRogers @Rachna agreed!!!
mirasingh QR codes? Every other country just has a regular label. Why can't we do the same?
Will New Chemical Regulations Keep Toxics off Our Plates?

"Congress has agreed to revise the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Will it be enough to make our food and water safer?" #policynews
Fair Food Network’s Double Up Food Bucks Model Expands Across U.S.
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes!!! I'm meeting with these folks hopefully in 2 weeks! Such legends!
annefood @Rachna great!!
Vermont's GMO labeling law — taking on the 'natural' claim

"As manufacturers continue suits to prevent implementation of law, Vermont Attorney General's Office requests manufacturers' GMO health studies." #policynews #foodnews
Philly has the votes to pass sugary drink tax

The deal is surely tentative, but Council sources said members seemed to be coalescing around a 1.5-cent-per-ounce tax on sugary beverages and diet soda. #foodnews #policynews
Chefs Head To The Hill To Cook Up Policy Change: DCist

#nofoodwaste #policynews "Celebrity chefs headed to the Hill this week to advocate for legislation aimed at standardizing food expiration labels."
DietID_TeamDietitians @EvaLouise how did the congressional hearing go?
EvaLouise It was hugely successful! A true bipartisan win for then issue of food waste !
Japan Will Attempt to Regulate Bluefin Tuna Fishing

"The Pacific bluefin population has suffered staggering losses" #foodnews #policynews
FDA Looks to Cut Salt Content in Food

"The Food and Drug Administration issued voluntary guidelines that would limit the salt content in a swath of packaged and restaurant meals." #foodnews #policynews
Pizza Hut Hops on the Antibiotic-Free, No-Preservatives Bandwagon

"It follows in the footsteps of McDonald's and a number of other chains" #policynews #foodnews