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Why can't we do more than one challenge at a time? We should be able to do a walking or exercise challenge at the same time. Where do we log the amount of water we drink, and fruits and vegetables...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hi there! Great question! We designed the healthy eating challenges so you can focus on one good habit at a time. Studies show that if you focus on multiple habits at the same time, you're not as...
  • JulieLa Does coffee count if it has flavored creamer in it?
Does anybody know any good recipes for Muesli? I heard about it a couple of days ago and I’d love to learn more about it
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! Toasted rolled oats, dried coconut, slivered almonds, dried fruit (I like basic raisins), flax seed, pumpkin seed, and cacao nibs. I like to mix muesli with fresh fruit or eat it with almond...
Can I do more than one challenge at a time?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hi @Ellen89 - you can only do one challenge at a time. We designed it this way because studies show you'll be more successful at building a good habit if you focus on one thing, vs. trying to...
  • Ellen89 That helps. Thnx!
  • zsanagustin I just started this challenge yesterday. So far, so good. I just feel my tummy is so heavy! Is this the normal effect?
I’m having a barbecue tonight, what are some no sugar options? And is honey allowed?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Sounds fun! So honey isn’t allowed but you can replace with dates which are naturally sweet. Also opt for a ketchup with no added sugar if your recipe calls for ketchup or stick with tomato paste....
New comer comer here
6yr Cta Bus Stop
Jocmoreno's post
How do marinades weigh in regards to eating sugar? ie: a marinade for meat that uses Dijon mustard before cooking.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians So there are marinades that have added sugar and those that don’t. Dijon mustard is oftentimes made with honey (which is added sugar) so you can try the same recipe with ground mustard instead. You...
  • ingalls Thanks! Part of the question stemmed from picking up pre-made stuff. I noticed some things are awesome - like salad dressing listed ingredients. But marinades might just say “Dijon mustard” with no...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes!! this is a hard one. Once the new nutrition labels hit the market, they will list out the actual grams of added sugar vs naturally occuring sugar. That should make all the difference. Great...
Any healthy/no sugar added pizza alternatives/recipes?! This is the fifth pizza to tempt me in less than a week!
ingalls's post
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Can I use whole milk and espresso without sweetener? Definitely better flavor but doesn’t the whole milk replace sugar w other calories??
  • annefood Using whole milk instead of sweetener is a great replacement! When thinking about a healthy whole/real foods diet, don’t focus on the calories. If you turn your attention to the quality of the...
  • shmoozii Good info to know. 👍
  • ElanaG Thanks!!
“Lactic acid” vs “Lactose” on the list of 56 sugar names - also something to avoid?
  • annefood No, you don’t need to avoid lactic acid in the Avoid Added Sugar Challenge. It’s used in fermentation (yogurt, pickled veggies, sourdough...) and as a preservative or flavoring agent.
  • annefood And lactose is an intrinsic sugar (not an added sugar) that is naturally occurring in dairy. So no need to worry about that either.
  • ingalls Thanks! I kept looking it up. ;-)
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